Measuring axion gradients with photon interferometry (MAGPI)

Bibliographic Details
Title: Measuring axion gradients with photon interferometry (MAGPI)
Authors: Fedderke, Michael A., Thompson, Jedidiah O., Cervantes, Raphael, Giaccone, Bianca, Harnik, Roni, Kaplan, David E., Posen, Sam, Rajendran, Surjeet
Source: Phys. Rev. D 109, 015025 (2024)
Publication Year: 2023
Collection: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Physics (Other)
Subject Terms: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors, Physics - Optics
More Details: We propose a novel search technique for axions with a $CP$-violating monopole coupling $\tilde{g}_Q$ to bulk Standard Model charges $Q \in \{B,L,B-L\}$. Gradients in the static axion field configurations sourced by matter induce achromatic circular photon birefringence via the axion-photon coupling $g_{\phi\gamma}$. Circularly polarized light fed into an optical or (open) radio-frequency (RF) Fabry-P\'erot (FP) cavity develops a phase shift that accumulates up to the cavity finesse: the fixed axion spatial gradient prevents a cancellation known to occur for an axion dark-matter search. The relative phase shift between two FP cavities fed with opposite circular polarizations can be detected interferometrically. This time-independent signal can be modulated up to non-zero frequency by altering the cavity orientations with respect to the field gradient. Multi-wavelength co-metrology techniques can be used to address chromatic measurement systematics and noise sources. With Earth as the axion source, we project reach beyond current constraints on the product of couplings $\tilde{g}_Q g_{\phi\gamma}$ for axion masses $m_{\phi} \lesssim 10^{-5} \mathrm{eV}$. If shot-noise-limited sensitivity can be achieved, an experiment using high-finesse RF FP cavities could reach a factor of $\sim 10^{5}$ into new parameter space for $\tilde{g}_Q g_{\phi\gamma}$ for masses $m_\phi \lesssim 4\times 10^{-11} \mathrm{eV}$.
Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Published version
Document Type: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.109.015025
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Accession Number: edsarx.2304.11261
Database: arXiv
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