Enhancing Intercultural Skills through a COIL Experience

Bibliographic Details
Title: Enhancing Intercultural Skills through a COIL Experience
Language: English
Authors: Mickey Marsee (ORCID 0009-0005-6599-2404), Jorge Eduardo Pineda Hoyos (ORCID 0000-0002-6954-5709)
Source: PROFILE: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development. 2025 27(1):31-48.
Availability: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Carrera 30 No. 45-03 Ciudad Universitaria, Bogotá, Colombia. Tel: +571-3165000 Ext.16780; Fax: +571-3165000 Ext.16780 or 16773; e-mail: rprofile_fchbog@unal.edu.co; Web site: https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/profile/
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 18
Publication Date: 2025
Document Type: Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Education Level: Higher Education
Postsecondary Education
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Undergraduate Students, International Educational Exchange, Electronic Learning, Cultural Awareness, Cultural Differences, Cross Cultural Studies, Student Attitudes, Teamwork, Perspective Taking, Skill Development
Geographic Terms: Colombia, United States
ISSN: 1657-0790
Abstract: This paper describes a case study of instructional strategies employed in a collaborative online international learning experience between students from Colombia and the US to increase their understanding of cultural tolerance. The study aimed to examine student perception of their intercultural skills development, particularly in recognizing both cultural similarities and differences, as previous research suggests that students struggle with identifying differences, focusing only on similarities in exchanges. Data were collected from transcriptions of student reflection recordings and their final presentations and were analyzed using the intercultural competence dimensions and subdimensions framework. The findings suggest that participants developed cultural awareness of differences, openness, and tolerance of their own and their partners' cultures and increased their teamwork skills.
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2025
Accession Number: EJ1458144
Database: ERIC
FullText Links:
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  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Mickey+Marsee%22">Mickey Marsee</searchLink> (ORCID <externalLink term="https://orcid.org/0009-0005-6599-2404">0009-0005-6599-2404</externalLink>)<br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Jorge+Eduardo+Pineda+Hoyos%22">Jorge Eduardo Pineda Hoyos</searchLink> (ORCID <externalLink term="https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6954-5709">0000-0002-6954-5709</externalLink>)
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  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="SO" term="%22PROFILE%3A+Issues+in+Teachers'+Professional+Development%22"><i>PROFILE: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development</i></searchLink>. 2025 27(1):31-48.
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  Data: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Carrera 30 No. 45-03 Ciudad Universitaria, Bogotá, Colombia. Tel: +571-3165000 Ext.16780; Fax: +571-3165000 Ext.16780 or 16773; e-mail: rprofile_fchbog@unal.edu.co; Web site: https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/profile/
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  Data: 2025
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  Data: Journal Articles<br />Reports - Research
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  Group: Su
  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Colombia%22">Colombia</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22United+States%22">United States</searchLink>
– Name: ISSN
  Label: ISSN
  Group: ISSN
  Data: 1657-0790<br />2256-5760
– Name: Abstract
  Label: Abstract
  Group: Ab
  Data: This paper describes a case study of instructional strategies employed in a collaborative online international learning experience between students from Colombia and the US to increase their understanding of cultural tolerance. The study aimed to examine student perception of their intercultural skills development, particularly in recognizing both cultural similarities and differences, as previous research suggests that students struggle with identifying differences, focusing only on similarities in exchanges. Data were collected from transcriptions of student reflection recordings and their final presentations and were analyzed using the intercultural competence dimensions and subdimensions framework. The findings suggest that participants developed cultural awareness of differences, openness, and tolerance of their own and their partners' cultures and increased their teamwork skills.
– Name: AbstractInfo
  Label: Abstractor
  Group: Ab
  Data: As Provided
– Name: DateEntry
  Label: Entry Date
  Group: Date
  Data: 2025
– Name: AN
  Label: Accession Number
  Group: ID
  Data: EJ1458144
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RecordInfo BibRecord:
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        PageCount: 18
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      – TitleFull: Enhancing Intercultural Skills through a COIL Experience
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      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Mickey Marsee
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Jorge Eduardo Pineda Hoyos
      – BibEntity:
            – D: 01
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              Type: published
              Y: 2025
            – Type: issn-print
              Value: 1657-0790
            – Type: issn-electronic
              Value: 2256-5760
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              Value: 27
            – Type: issue
              Value: 1
            – TitleFull: PROFILE: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development
              Type: main
ResultId 1