Interactive Videos in Web-Based Education: Technology Proficiency and Digital Literacy Levels

Bibliographic Details
Title: Interactive Videos in Web-Based Education: Technology Proficiency and Digital Literacy Levels
Language: English
Authors: Cengiz Gündüzalp (ORCID 0000-0001-5108-437X)
Source: Journal of Theoretical Educational Science. 2024 17(3):738-764.
Availability: Afyon Kocatepe University. ANS Kampusu, Egitim Fakultesi, Merkez, Afyonkarahisar 03200, Turkey. Tel: +90-272-2181740; Fax: +90-272-2281418; e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 27
Publication Date: 2024
Document Type: Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Education Level: Higher Education
Postsecondary Education
Descriptors: Interactive Video, Electronic Learning, Digital Literacy, Technological Literacy, Knowledge Level, Web Sites, Computer Uses in Education, Visual Aids, Influence of Technology, Pretests Posttests, Undergraduate Students
ISSN: 1308-1659
Abstract: The objective of this study is to ascertain the impact of interactive videos on web-based courses on students' technology proficiency and digital literacy levels, as well as their perceptions of this approach. To achieve this objective, the study was conducted using quasi-experimental designs, which are a type of quantitative research approach. The research group was selected using the convenience sampling method. The quantitative data gathered with the aid of data collection instruments were analyzed using dependent and independent samples t-tests. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The study's findings revealed a significant difference between the technology proficiency and digital literacy pre-test and post-test scores of the students in the experimental group. Furthermore, the findings indicated a significant difference between the technology proficiency and digital literacy scores of the groups, with the experimental group exhibiting superior performance. The results demonstrated that the use of interactive videos in web-based lessons can enhance students' technology proficiency and digital literacy levels. Therefore, the findings and results of the study will make a significant contribution to the field.
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2024
Accession Number: EJ1436234
Database: ERIC
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PubType: Academic Journal
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  Data: Interactive Videos in Web-Based Education: Technology Proficiency and Digital Literacy Levels
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  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Cengiz+Gündüzalp%22">Cengiz Gündüzalp</searchLink> (ORCID <externalLink term="">0000-0001-5108-437X</externalLink>)
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  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="SO" term="%22Journal+of+Theoretical+Educational+Science%22"><i>Journal of Theoretical Educational Science</i></searchLink>. 2024 17(3):738-764.
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  Group: Avail
  Data: Afyon Kocatepe University. ANS Kampusu, Egitim Fakultesi, Merkez, Afyonkarahisar 03200, Turkey. Tel: +90-272-2181740; Fax: +90-272-2281418; e-mail:; Web site:
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  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Interactive+Video%22">Interactive Video</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Electronic+Learning%22">Electronic Learning</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Digital+Literacy%22">Digital Literacy</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Technological+Literacy%22">Technological Literacy</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Knowledge+Level%22">Knowledge Level</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Web+Sites%22">Web Sites</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Computer+Uses+in+Education%22">Computer Uses in Education</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Visual+Aids%22">Visual Aids</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Influence+of+Technology%22">Influence of Technology</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Pretests+Posttests%22">Pretests Posttests</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Undergraduate+Students%22">Undergraduate Students</searchLink>
– Name: ISSN
  Label: ISSN
  Group: ISSN
  Data: 1308-1659
– Name: Abstract
  Label: Abstract
  Group: Ab
  Data: The objective of this study is to ascertain the impact of interactive videos on web-based courses on students' technology proficiency and digital literacy levels, as well as their perceptions of this approach. To achieve this objective, the study was conducted using quasi-experimental designs, which are a type of quantitative research approach. The research group was selected using the convenience sampling method. The quantitative data gathered with the aid of data collection instruments were analyzed using dependent and independent samples t-tests. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The study's findings revealed a significant difference between the technology proficiency and digital literacy pre-test and post-test scores of the students in the experimental group. Furthermore, the findings indicated a significant difference between the technology proficiency and digital literacy scores of the groups, with the experimental group exhibiting superior performance. The results demonstrated that the use of interactive videos in web-based lessons can enhance students' technology proficiency and digital literacy levels. Therefore, the findings and results of the study will make a significant contribution to the field.
– Name: AbstractInfo
  Label: Abstractor
  Group: Ab
  Data: As Provided
– Name: DateEntry
  Label: Entry Date
  Group: Date
  Data: 2024
– Name: AN
  Label: Accession Number
  Group: ID
  Data: EJ1436234
RecordInfo BibRecord:
      – Text: English
        PageCount: 27
        StartPage: 738
      – TitleFull: Interactive Videos in Web-Based Education: Technology Proficiency and Digital Literacy Levels
        Type: main
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Cengiz Gündüzalp
      – BibEntity:
            – D: 01
              M: 07
              Type: published
              Y: 2024
            – Type: issn-electronic
              Value: 1308-1659
            – Type: volume
              Value: 17
            – Type: issue
              Value: 3
            – TitleFull: Journal of Theoretical Educational Science
              Type: main
ResultId 1