Literacy: Helping Children Construct Meaning. Second Edition.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Literacy: Helping Children Construct Meaning. Second Edition.
Language: English
Authors: Cooper, J. David
Availability: Houghton Mifflin, Wayside Rd., Burlington, MA 01803 ($27.96).
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 636
Publication Date: 1993
Intended Audience: Practitioners
Document Type: Guides - Classroom - Teacher
Descriptors: Childrens Literature, Classroom Environment, Elementary Education, Higher Education, Lesson Plans, Prior Learning, Reading Instruction, Reading Strategies, Student Evaluation, Vocabulary Development, Whole Language Approach, Writing Instruction, Writing Strategies
Geographic Terms: U.S.; Massachusetts
ISBN: 978-0-395-64782-0
Abstract: Reflecting dramatic changes in educators' understanding of literacy, this book, a revision of an earlier text published in 1986 under the title, "Improving Reading Comprehension," provides support for preservice and inservice teachers in learning to help children develop literacy effectively. The central feature of the book is a literacy program whose focus is on interactive learning: the book presents and develops a model for creating a program that includes motivation, independent reading and writing, and instruction in reading and writing. Complete unadapted literature (and sample literacy lessons and minilessons for each piece of literature) are included in the book. Each chapter of the book includes strategies and procedures that have been effective with all learners (including second language learners and students with special needs), as well as a graphic organizer preview, an opening vignette to model constructivist teaching in action, a summary, bibliographies of professional references and children's books, and suggested additional readings. The book's 10 chapters are: (1) Understanding Literacy Learning and Constructing Meaning; (2) Developing a Literacy Program; (3) Activating and Developing Prior Knowledge; (4) Vocabulary Development in the Literacy Program; (5) Identifying Words as an Aid to Constructing Meaning; (6) Responding and the Construction of Meaning; (7) Writing and the Construction of Meaning; (8) Modeling Strategies for Constructing Meaning; (9) Constructing Meaning across the Curriculum; and (10) Assessment and Evaluation in the Literacy-Centered Classroom. (RS)
Journal Code: RIEMAY1993
Entry Date: 1993
Accession Number: ED352625
Database: ERIC
FullText Text:
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  Data: Houghton Mifflin, Wayside Rd., Burlington, MA 01803 ($27.96).
– Name: PeerReviewed
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  Data: N
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  Data: Practitioners
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  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22U%2ES%2E%3B+Massachusetts%22">U.S.; Massachusetts</searchLink>
– Name: ISBN
  Label: ISBN
  Group: ISBN
  Data: 978-0-395-64782-0
– Name: Abstract
  Label: Abstract
  Group: Ab
  Data: Reflecting dramatic changes in educators' understanding of literacy, this book, a revision of an earlier text published in 1986 under the title, "Improving Reading Comprehension," provides support for preservice and inservice teachers in learning to help children develop literacy effectively. The central feature of the book is a literacy program whose focus is on interactive learning: the book presents and develops a model for creating a program that includes motivation, independent reading and writing, and instruction in reading and writing. Complete unadapted literature (and sample literacy lessons and minilessons for each piece of literature) are included in the book. Each chapter of the book includes strategies and procedures that have been effective with all learners (including second language learners and students with special needs), as well as a graphic organizer preview, an opening vignette to model constructivist teaching in action, a summary, bibliographies of professional references and children's books, and suggested additional readings. The book's 10 chapters are: (1) Understanding Literacy Learning and Constructing Meaning; (2) Developing a Literacy Program; (3) Activating and Developing Prior Knowledge; (4) Vocabulary Development in the Literacy Program; (5) Identifying Words as an Aid to Constructing Meaning; (6) Responding and the Construction of Meaning; (7) Writing and the Construction of Meaning; (8) Modeling Strategies for Constructing Meaning; (9) Constructing Meaning across the Curriculum; and (10) Assessment and Evaluation in the Literacy-Centered Classroom. (RS)
– Name: CodeSource
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  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="JC" term="%22RIEMAY1993%22">RIEMAY1993</searchLink>
– Name: DateEntry
  Label: Entry Date
  Group: Date
  Data: 1993
– Name: AN
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  Data: ED352625
RecordInfo BibRecord:
      – Text: English
        PageCount: 636
      – TitleFull: Literacy: Helping Children Construct Meaning. Second Edition.
        Type: main
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Cooper, J. David
      – BibEntity:
            – D: 01
              M: 01
              Type: published
              Y: 1993
            – Type: isbn-print
              Value: 978-0-395-64782-0
ResultId 1