Jumping window based fast pattern matching method with sequential partial matches using TCAM

Bibliographic Details
Title: Jumping window based fast pattern matching method with sequential partial matches using TCAM
Document Number: 20080050469
Publication Date: February 28, 2008
Appl. No: 11/508474
Application Filed: August 23, 2006
Abstract: A jumping window based fast pattern matching method using TCAM includes TCAM entries containing all possible sub-patterns independent of position. Due to these sub-patterns, the method can search for all patterns appearing within the window at once. If a match is not found, the method jumps to the next window (shift size of M bytes), opposed to the sliding window method that shifts to the next byte (shift size of 1 byte). This incurs a pattern match that is M times faster, despite requiring a larger TCAM size to be able to represent all possible redundant sub-patterns in the TCAM; here, M is the size of a jumping window. In addition, the present invention employs a two-phase pattern matching sequence for a large number of long patterns such as virus and worm signatures. In the first phase, the fixed prefix will be searched with TCAM; then, only the CRC value for the remaining pattern is examined to confirm the existence of the entire pattern. Since the TCAM only stores the prefixes of the patterns instead of storing entire long patterns, a smaller TCAM size is sufficient to match the large number of long patterns at link-speed of the high-speed Internet.
Inventors: Kwon, Taeck-Geun (Youseong-Gu, KR); Kang, Seok-Min (Youseong-Gu, KR); Song, Il-Seop (Youseong-Gu, KR)
Assignees: The Industry & Academic Cooperation in Chungnam National University (Youseong-gu, KR)
Claim: 1. A fast method of pattern matching using TCAM, comprising of: a method to represent all possible sub-patterns to match the pattern independent of the position that the pattern appears in; a method to jump to the next window for matching the next sub-patterns using TCAM; a method to represent state information with a unique identifier in order to manage the series of sub-pattern matches in the sequence; and a method to make search keys for TCAM entries by concatenating both state information and sub-pattern.
Claim: 2. A method of pattern matching for a large number of long patterns, comprising of: a method to split long patterns into the prefix and the suffix of the pattern, and to match the prefix using TCAM and to match the suffix using the CRC value; and a method to fix the starting suffix using ‘shift’ values in the associated data, as shown in FIG. 14.
Current U.S. Class: 426/23
Current International Class: 21
Accession Number: edspap.20080050469
Database: USPTO Patent Applications
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DbLabel: USPTO Patent Applications
An: edspap.20080050469
RelevancyScore: 718
AccessLevel: 3
PubType: Patent
PubTypeId: patent
PreciseRelevancyScore: 717.869506835938
Items – Name: Title
  Label: Title
  Group: Ti
  Data: Jumping window based fast pattern matching method with sequential partial matches using TCAM
– Name: DocumentID
  Label: Document Number
  Group: Patent
  Data: 20080050469
– Name: DateEntry
  Label: Publication Date
  Group: Patent
  Data: February 28, 2008
– Name: DocumentID
  Label: Appl. No
  Group: Patent
  Data: 11/508474
– Name: DateFiled
  Label: Application Filed
  Group: Patent
  Data: August 23, 2006
– Name: Abstract
  Label: Abstract
  Group: Ab
  Data: A jumping window based fast pattern matching method using TCAM includes TCAM entries containing all possible sub-patterns independent of position. Due to these sub-patterns, the method can search for all patterns appearing within the window at once. If a match is not found, the method jumps to the next window (shift size of M bytes), opposed to the sliding window method that shifts to the next byte (shift size of 1 byte). This incurs a pattern match that is M times faster, despite requiring a larger TCAM size to be able to represent all possible redundant sub-patterns in the TCAM; here, M is the size of a jumping window. In addition, the present invention employs a two-phase pattern matching sequence for a large number of long patterns such as virus and worm signatures. In the first phase, the fixed prefix will be searched with TCAM; then, only the CRC value for the remaining pattern is examined to confirm the existence of the entire pattern. Since the TCAM only stores the prefixes of the patterns instead of storing entire long patterns, a smaller TCAM size is sufficient to match the large number of long patterns at link-speed of the high-speed Internet.
– Name: Author
  Label: Inventors
  Group: Patent
  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="ZA" term="%22Kwon%2C+Taeck-Geun%22">Kwon, Taeck-Geun</searchLink> (Youseong-Gu, KR); <searchLink fieldCode="ZA" term="%22Kang%2C+Seok-Min%22">Kang, Seok-Min</searchLink> (Youseong-Gu, KR); <searchLink fieldCode="ZA" term="%22Song%2C+Il-Seop%22">Song, Il-Seop</searchLink> (Youseong-Gu, KR)
– Name: OtherAuthors
  Label: Assignees
  Group: Patent
  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="ZS" term="%22The+Industry+%26+Academic+Cooperation+in+Chungnam+National+University%22">The Industry & Academic Cooperation in Chungnam National University</searchLink> (Youseong-gu, KR)
– Name: Comment
  Label: Claim
  Group: Patent
  Data: 1. A fast method of pattern matching using TCAM, comprising of: a method to represent all possible sub-patterns to match the pattern independent of the position that the pattern appears in; a method to jump to the next window for matching the next sub-patterns using TCAM; a method to represent state information with a unique identifier in order to manage the series of sub-pattern matches in the sequence; and a method to make search keys for TCAM entries by concatenating both state information and sub-pattern.
– Name: Comment
  Label: Claim
  Group: Patent
  Data: 2. A method of pattern matching for a large number of long patterns, comprising of: a method to split long patterns into the prefix and the suffix of the pattern, and to match the prefix using TCAM and to match the suffix using the CRC value; and a method to fix the starting suffix using ‘shift’ values in the associated data, as shown in FIG. 14.
– Name: CodeClass
  Label: Current U.S. Class
  Group: Patent
  Data: 426/23
– Name: CodeClass
  Label: Current International Class
  Group: Patent
  Data: 21
– Name: AN
  Label: Accession Number
  Group: ID
  Data: edspap.20080050469
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RecordInfo BibRecord:
      – Text: English
      – TitleFull: Jumping window based fast pattern matching method with sequential partial matches using TCAM
        Type: main
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Kwon, Taeck-Geun
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Kang, Seok-Min
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Song, Il-Seop
      – BibEntity:
            – D: 28
              M: 02
              Text: February 28, 2008
              Type: published
              Y: 2008
ResultId 1