A Triple-Mutated Allele of Granzyme B Incapable of Inducing Apoptosis

Bibliographic Details
Title: A Triple-Mutated Allele of Granzyme B Incapable of Inducing Apoptosis
Authors: McIlroy, Dorian, Cartron, Pierre-François, Tuffery, Pierre, Dudoit, Yasmine, Samri, Assia, Autran, Brigitte, Vallette, François M., Debré, Patrice, Theodorou, Ioannis
Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2003 Mar 01. 100(5), 2562-2567.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3139567
Database: JSTOR Journals