Olaparib beyond progression compared with platinum chemotherapy after secondary cytoreductive surgery in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer: phase III randomized, open-label MITO 35b study, a project of the MITO-MANGO groups

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Title: Olaparib beyond progression compared with platinum chemotherapy after secondary cytoreductive surgery in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer: phase III randomized, open-label MITO 35b study, a project of the MITO-MANGO groups
Authors: Schettino, Clorinda 1, Musacchio, Lucia 2, Bartoletti, Michele 3, Chiodini, Paolo 4, Arenare, Laura 1, Baldassarre, Gustavo 5, Califano, Daniela 6, Capoluongo, Ettore 7, 8, Costi, Maria Paola 9, D'Incalci, Maurizio 10, 11, Marchini, Sergio 11, Mezzanzanica, Delia 12, Normanno, Nicola 13, Scala, Stefania 6, Greggi, Stefano 14, Perrone, Francesco 1, Pignata, Sandro 15, *
Source: In International Journal of Gynecological Cancer June 2022 32(6):799-803
Database: ScienceDirect
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Published in:International Journal of Gynecological Cancer