Consolidation nivolumab and ipilimumab versus observation in limited-disease small-cell lung cancer after chemo-radiotherapy – results from the randomised phase II ETOP/IFCT 4-12 STIMULI trial

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Title: Consolidation nivolumab and ipilimumab versus observation in limited-disease small-cell lung cancer after chemo-radiotherapy – results from the randomised phase II ETOP/IFCT 4-12 STIMULI trial
Authors: Stahel, R., Hiltbrunner, A., Pardo-Contreras, M., Gasca-Ruchti, A., Giacomelli, N., Kammler, R., Marti, N., Pfister, R., Piguet, A.C., Roux, S., Troesch, S., Schneider, M., Schweri, R., Zigomo, I., Tsourti, Z., Zygoura, P., Tsouprou, S., Kassapian, M., Vervita, K., Dimopoulou, G., Andriakopoulou, C., Morin, F., Amour, E., Mariaule, G., Archirel, N., Fernandez, M., Pereira, E., Benito, L., Lopez, K., Hernández, A., Chinchen, S., Jurkovic, H., Livingstone, A., Mitchell, J., Walker, M., Mitchell, P., Ng, S., Steer, C., Briscoe, K., Saqib, A., Abdi, E., Houghton, B., O’Byrne, K., Chittajallu, B.R., Hughes, B.G., Black, A., Nackaerts, K., Werner, H., Gervais, R., Zalcman, G., Vaylet, F., Merle, P., Monnet, I., Moro-Sibilot, D., Molinier, O., Girard, N., Souquet, P.-J., Barlesi, F., Debieuvre, D., Senellart, H., Poudenx, M., Dixmier, A., Pouessel, D., Cadranel, J., Lena, H., Quoix, E., Friard, S., Audigier-Valette, C., Mazieres, J., Pichon, E., Faehling, M., Kokowski, K., Kirchen, H., Griesinger, F., Tufman, A., De-Colle, C., de Langen, J., González Larriba, J.L., Insa, A., Majem, M., Massutí, B., Pulla, M.P., Aix, S.P., Villanueva, N., Vivanco, G.L., Andrade, J., Curioni-Fontecedro, A., Franks, K., Califano, R., Peters, S., Pujol, J.-L., Dafni, U., Dómine, M., Popat, S., Reck, M., Becker, A., Insa Mollá, A., López Vivanco, G., Madelaine, J., Provencio Pulla, M., Roschitzki-Voser, H., Ruepp, B., Stahel, R.A., Le Pechoux, C., De Ruysscher, D.
Source: In Annals of Oncology January 2022 33(1):67-79
Database: ScienceDirect
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Published in:Annals of Oncology