Coherent radiation in axially oriented industrial-grade tungsten crystals: A viable path for an innovative [formula omitted]-rays and positron sources

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Title: Coherent radiation in axially oriented industrial-grade tungsten crystals: A viable path for an innovative [formula omitted]-rays and positron sources
Authors: Canale, N. a, Romagnoni, M. b, 1, Sytov, A. a, 1, Alharthi, F. c, Bertelli, S. d, Carsi, S. e, f, Chaikovska, I. c, Chehab, R. c, De Salvador, D. g, h, Fedeli, P. a, b, Guidi, V. a, b, Haurylavets, V., Lezzani, G. e, f, Malagutti, L. a, Mangiacavalli, S. e, f, Mazzolari, A. b, Monti-Guarnieri, P. i, Negrello, R. a, b, Paternò, G. a, ⁎, Perna, L. j, Prest, M. e, f, Saibene, G. e, f, Selmi, A. e, f, Sgarbossa, F. g, h, Soldani, M. d, Tikhomirov, V.V., Valzani, D. g, h, Vallazza, E. f, Zuccalà, G. e, f, Bandiera, L. a
Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A June 2025 1075
Database: ScienceDirect
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Published in:Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A