Status of the new fragment separator ACCULINNA-2 and first experiments

Bibliographic Details
Title: Status of the new fragment separator ACCULINNA-2 and first experiments
Authors: Kaminski, G., Zalewski, B., Belogurov, S.G., Bezbakh, A.A., Biare, D., Chudoba, V., Fomichev, A.S., Gazeeva, E.M., Golovkov, M.S., Gorshkov, A.V., Grigorenko, L.V., Kostyleva, D.A., Krupko, S.A., Muzalevsky, I.A., Nikolskii, E.Yu., Parfenova, Yu.L., Plucinski, P., Quynh, A.M., Serikov, A., Sidorchuk, S.I., Slepnev, R.S., Sharov, P.G., Szymkiewicz, P., Swiercz, A., Stepantsov, S.V., Ter-Akopian, G.M., Wolski, R.
Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 15 January 2020 463:504-507
Database: ScienceDirect