Scoping literature review to identify candidate domains for the OMERACT Systemic Lupus Erythematosus core outcome set

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Title: Scoping literature review to identify candidate domains for the OMERACT Systemic Lupus Erythematosus core outcome set
Authors: Nielsen, Wils a, b, c, Kharouf, Fadi b, c, Grajales, Carolina Munoz b, c, Thayaparan, Aarabi b, Anderson, Melanie d, Strand, Vibeke e, Simon, Lee f, Bonilla, Dennisse b, c, Morand, Eric g, Thumboo, Julian h, Aringer, Martin i, Mosca, Marta j, Bruce, Ian k, l, Papadopoulos, Elektra J. m, Torralba, Karina D. n, o, p, Whitall-Garcia, Laura Patricia b, c, Rosen, Cheryl F. q, r, Parodis, Ioannis s, t, u, Kim, Alfred v, Desai, Maya w, Enman, Yvonne s, x, Shea, Beverley y, z, Wallace, Daniel J. aa, bb, Chaichian, Yashaar e, Navarra, Sandra cc, Aranow, Cynthia dd, Mackay, Meggan ee, Trotter, Kimberly ee, Tayer-Shifman, Oshrat E. ff, gg, Duarte-García, Alí hh, Shan Tam, Lai ii, Ugarte-Gil, Manuel F. jj, kk, Pons-Estel, Guillermo J. ll, Reynolds, John A. mm, Nikpour, Mandana nn, Hoi, Alberta oo, Romero-Diaz, Juanita pp, Aggarwal, Amita qq, Papachristos, Danaë c, Mok, Chi Chiu rr, Fujio, Keishi ss, Ramsey-Goldman, Rosalind tt, Legge, Alexandra uu, vv, Arnaud, Laurent ww, Bultink, Irene E.M. xx, Finzel, Stephanie yy, Voll, Reinhard E. yy, Ruiz-Irastorza, Guillermo zz, Inês, Luís Sousa aaa, bbb, Appenzeller, Simone ccc, Dobrowolski, Chrisanna ddd, Clarke, Ann Elaine eee, Kamen, Diane L. fff, Barraclough, Michelle b, k, l, Tani, Chiara ggg, Gómez-Puerta, Jose A. hhh, Werth, Victoria P. iii, Katz, Patti jjj, Askanase, Anca D. kkk, Bingham, Kathleen lll, mmm, nnn, Gladman, Dafna D. b, Johnson, Sindhu b, ooo, Drucker, Aaron ppp, Nowrouzi-Kia, Behdin qqq, Touma, Zahi a, b, c, ⁎
Source: In Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism June 2025 72
Database: ScienceDirect
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Published in:Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism