Consistent Franck–Condon modeling of geometry changes for the S0→S1(ππ*) excitation in anthranilic acid: LIF spectroscopy aided by CC2 or TDDFT vibrations

Bibliographic Details
Title: Consistent Franck–Condon modeling of geometry changes for the S0→S1(ππ*) excitation in anthranilic acid: LIF spectroscopy aided by CC2 or TDDFT vibrations
Authors: Kolek, Przemysław, Andrzejak, Marcin, Uchacz, Tomasz, Szlachcic, Paweł
Source: In Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer February 2020 242
Database: ScienceDirect
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Published in:Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer