Progression of incidence and estimate of net survival from papillary thyroid cancers diagnosed between 2008 and 2016 in France

Bibliographic Details
Title: Progression of incidence and estimate of net survival from papillary thyroid cancers diagnosed between 2008 and 2016 in France
Alternate Title: Évolution de l’incidence et estimation de la survie nette des cancers papillaires de la thyroïde diagnostiqués en France entre 2008 et 2016 (French)
Authors: Colonna, Marc *, Borson-Chazot, Françoise, Delafosse, Patricia, Schvartz, Claire, Guizard, Anne-Valérie
Source: In Annales d'Endocrinologie December 2020 81(6):530-538
Database: ScienceDirect
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Published in:Annales d'Endocrinologie