Micro-photoluminescence imaging of dislocation generation in 0.18μm power semiconductor devices with deep trenches

Bibliographic Details
Title: Micro-photoluminescence imaging of dislocation generation in 0.18μm power semiconductor devices with deep trenches
Authors: Greenwood, B., Gambino, J.P., Watanabe, Y., Jastrzebski, L., Nadudvari, G., Cseh, D. T., Roszol, L., Molnar, G., Lajtos, I.
Source: 2018 29th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC) SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), 2018 29th Annual. :5-9 Apr, 2018
Relation: 2018 29th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC)
Database: IEEE Xplore Digital Library