Progress in direct-drive inertial confinement fusion at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics

Bibliographic Details
Title: Progress in direct-drive inertial confinement fusion at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics
Authors: Radha, P.B., Betti, R., Collins, T.J.B., Craxton, R.S., Delettrez, J.A., Epstein, R., Frenje, J.A., Glebov, V.Yu., Goncharov, V.N., Harding, D.R., Keck, R.L., Kelly, J.H., Kessler, T., Li, C.K., Marozas, J.A., Marshall, F.J., McKenty, P.W., Knauer, J.P., McCrory, R.L., Meyerhofer, D.D., Petrasso, R.D., Regan, S.P., Sangster, T.C., Seguin, F.H., Skupsky, S., Smalyuk, V.A., Stoeckl, C.
Source: The 30th International Conference on Plasma Science, 2003. ICOPS 2003. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. Plasma science Plasma Science, 2003. ICOPS 2003. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. The 30th International Conference on. :442 2003
Relation: 30th International Conference on Plasma Science
Database: IEEE Xplore Digital Library