An interdigitated electrode detector for the identification of a single specific DNA molecule fragment

Bibliographic Details
Title: An interdigitated electrode detector for the identification of a single specific DNA molecule fragment
Authors: Fuller, L.F., Vega, R., Manley, R., Vee Chee Hwang, Jaeger, D., Pham, A., Wescott, N., Connolly, M.
Source: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial University/Government/ Industry Microelectronics Symposium (Cat. No.03CH37488) University/government/industry microelectronics symposium University/Government/Industry Microelectronics Symposium, 2003. Proceedings of the 15th Biennial. :200-202 2003
Relation: 15th Biennial University/Government/Industry Microelectronics Symposium
Database: IEEE Xplore Digital Library