Industrial Applications of Hemp Fiber in Europe and Evolving Regulatory Landscape

Bibliographic Details
Title: Industrial Applications of Hemp Fiber in Europe and Evolving Regulatory Landscape
Authors: Jerónimo González Cortés, Byeong Ryeol Ryu, Christopher Pauli, Luis Royano Barroso, Sang-Hyuck Park
Source: Journal of Natural Fibers, Vol 21, Iss 1 (2024)
Publisher Information: Taylor & Francis Group, 2024.
Publication Year: 2024
Collection: LCC:Science
LCC:Textile bleaching, dyeing, printing, etc.
Subject Terms: Cannabis sativa L, hemp bast fiber, hurds, woody cores, hemp fiber in EU, hempcrete, Science, Textile bleaching, dyeing, printing, etc., TP890-933
More Details: In Europe, hemp fiber has historically been utilized in textile, paper, and construction industries prior to the emergence of synthetic fibers. The demand for hemp fibers in the European Union (EU) has led to a significant increase in cultivation area, rising by 46.5% from 22,010 hectares (ha) in 2016 to 32,250 ha in 2022. Recently, the European Parliament relaxed hemp regulations by raising the allowable THC level from 0.2% to 0.3%. France stands as the largest hemp fiber producer, contributing 78% of EU production, equivalent to 121,720 tonnes in 2022. This increase in production is driven by the fibers’ use in textiles, clothing, paper, and hemp seed in food products. Notably, the building industry has seen a rise in the use of hemp, particularly in materials such as hemp insulation and hemp concrete. Furthermore, innovations in hemp include the development of bioplastics and the replacement of glass fibers with hemp fibers in the automotive sector. This review explores the regulatory landscape, industrial applications of hemp fiber, and the future potential of hemp by-products as alternative agricultural commodities in EU countries.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 15440478
DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2024.2435047
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.0f0229df81824519b8e64d8b962ed1c5
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals
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  Data: In Europe, hemp fiber has historically been utilized in textile, paper, and construction industries prior to the emergence of synthetic fibers. The demand for hemp fibers in the European Union (EU) has led to a significant increase in cultivation area, rising by 46.5% from 22,010 hectares (ha) in 2016 to 32,250 ha in 2022. Recently, the European Parliament relaxed hemp regulations by raising the allowable THC level from 0.2% to 0.3%. France stands as the largest hemp fiber producer, contributing 78% of EU production, equivalent to 121,720 tonnes in 2022. This increase in production is driven by the fibers’ use in textiles, clothing, paper, and hemp seed in food products. Notably, the building industry has seen a rise in the use of hemp, particularly in materials such as hemp insulation and hemp concrete. Furthermore, innovations in hemp include the development of bioplastics and the replacement of glass fibers with hemp fibers in the automotive sector. This review explores the regulatory landscape, industrial applications of hemp fiber, and the future potential of hemp by-products as alternative agricultural commodities in EU countries.
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RecordInfo BibRecord:
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        Value: 10.1080/15440478.2024.2435047
      – Text: English
      – SubjectFull: Cannabis sativa L
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: hemp bast fiber
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: hurds
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: woody cores
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: hemp fiber in EU
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: hempcrete
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: Science
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: Textile bleaching, dyeing, printing, etc.
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: TP890-933
        Type: general
      – TitleFull: Industrial Applications of Hemp Fiber in Europe and Evolving Regulatory Landscape
        Type: main
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Jerónimo González Cortés
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Byeong Ryeol Ryu
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Christopher Pauli
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Luis Royano Barroso
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Sang-Hyuck Park
      – BibEntity:
            – D: 01
              M: 12
              Type: published
              Y: 2024
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            – Type: issue
              Value: 1
            – TitleFull: Journal of Natural Fibers
              Type: main
ResultId 1