Brigatinib in patients with ALK‐positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma who have failed brentuximab vedotin

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Title: Brigatinib in patients with ALK‐positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma who have failed brentuximab vedotin
Authors: Veleanu, L., Tesson, B., Lamant, L., Marçais, A., Bruneau, J., Kaltenbach, S., Brouzes, C., Degoutte, C., Moraly, J., Villarese, P., Lhermitte, L., Latiri, M., Hure, G., Chauchet, A., Delette, C., Grosleron, S., Toussaint, E., Cabrera, Q., Brice, P., Gros, F., Clavert, A., Oberic, L., Le Goff, M., Cereja, S., Meggetto, F., Macintyre, E., Asnafi, V., Sibon, D.
Source: Hematological oncology. 41:505-506
Database: British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings
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Published in:Hematological oncology