Does neoadjuvant FOLFOX chemotherapy improve the prognosis of high‐risk Stage II and III colon cancers? Three years' follow‐up results of the PRODIGE 22 phase II randomized multicentre trial

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Title: Does neoadjuvant FOLFOX chemotherapy improve the prognosis of high‐risk Stage II and III colon cancers? Three years' follow‐up results of the PRODIGE 22 phase II randomized multicentre trial
Authors: Karoui, Mehdi, Gallois, Claire, Piessen, Guillaume, Legoux, Jean‐Louis, Barbier, Emilie, De Chaisemartin, Cecile, Lecaille, Cedric, Bouche, Olivier, Ammarguellat, Hanifa, Brunetti, Francesco, Prudhomme, Michel, Regimbeau, Jean‐Marc, Glehen, Olivier, Lievre, Astrid, Portier, Guillaume, Hartwig, Johannes, Goujon, Gael, Romain, Benoit, Lepage, Come, Taieb, Julien, Ainseba, N., Alcaraz, L., Audemar, F., Bachet, J. B., Bardier, A., Baumgaertner, I., Luciani, A., Bège, T., Ben Abdelghani, M., Bourgeois, V., Brigand, C., Couteau, C., Champetier, C., Chauvenet, M., Debourdeau, P., Deguelte, S., Poizat, F., Sarran, A, Deplanque, G., Olivier, D., Duluc, M., Faucheron, J. L., François, Y., Freddy, M., Gasmi, M., Gornet, J. M., Gualtierotti, M., Lacaze, L., Lagasse, J. P., Lepere, C., Loriau, J., Malaurie, E., Manfredi, S., Mauvais, F., Meunier, B., Mineur, L., N'Guyen, S., Obled, S., Oden Gangloff, A., Ollier, J. C., Pelletier, A. L., Pere Verge, D., Peschaud, F., Pezet, D., Ramdani, M., Ries‐guye, P., Rougier, P., Rullier, E., Sabbagh, C., Saudemont, A., Seitz, J. F., Sobhani, I., Tessier, W., Tougeron, D.
Source: Colorectal disease. 23(6):1357-1369
Database: British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings
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Published in:Colorectal disease