Tectonic controls on Quaternary landscape evolution in the Ventura basin, southern California, USA, quantified using cosmogenic isotopes and topographic analyses

Bibliographic Details
Title: Tectonic controls on Quaternary landscape evolution in the Ventura basin, southern California, USA, quantified using cosmogenic isotopes and topographic analyses
Authors: Hughes, A., Rood, D. H., DeVecchio, D. E., Whittaker, A. C., Bell, R. E., Wilcken, K. M., Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Swanson, B. J., Rockwell, T. K.
Source: Geological Society of America bulletin. 134(9/10):2245-2266
Availability: http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?tabs=detailsTab&gathStatTab=true&ct=display&fn=search&doc=ETOCRN630032683&indx=1&recIds=ETOCRN630032683
Database: British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings
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Published in:Geological Society of America bulletin