Terahertz Quantum-Cascade Laser Based on the Resonant-Phonon Depopulation Scheme

Bibliographic Details
Title: Terahertz Quantum-Cascade Laser Based on the Resonant-Phonon Depopulation Scheme
Fundamental and applied problems of terahertz devices and technologies (Russian-Japan-USA-Europe symposium)
Authors: Khabibullin, Rustam A., Shchavruk, Nikolay V., Pavlov, Aleksandr Yu., Klochkov, Alexey N., Ponomarev, Dmitry S., Glinskiy, Igor A., Maltsev, Petr P., Zhukov, Alexey E., Cirlin, George E., Alferov, Zhores I.
Source: Selected topics in electronics and systems. 58:103-108
Availability: http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?tabs=detailsTab&gathStatTab=true&ct=display&fn=search&doc=ETOCCN602338720&indx=1&recIds=ETOCCN602338720
Database: British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings
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Published in:Selected topics in electronics and systems