Universal electronic structure of layered nickelates via oxygen-centered planar orbitals

Bibliographic Details
Title: Universal electronic structure of layered nickelates via oxygen-centered planar orbitals
Authors: Au-Yeung, Christine C., Chen, X., Smit, S., Bluschke, M., Zimmermann, V., Michiardi, M., Moen, P., Kraan, J., Pang, C. S. B., Suen, C. T., Zhdanovich, S., Zonno, M., Gorovikov, S., Liu, Y., Levy, G., Elfimov, I. S., Berciu, M., Sawatzky, G. A., Mitchell, J. F., Damascelli, A.
Publication Year: 2025
Collection: Condensed Matter
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Superconductivity
More Details: Superconductivity has recently been demonstrated in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ up to 91K under moderate pressure in bulk crystals, and up to 48K at ambient pressure in thin films grown under compressive strain. Key questions remain open regarding the crystal structure and low-energy electronic states that support superconductivity in these compounds. Here we take advantage of the natural polymorphism between bilayer (2222) or alternating monolayer-trilayer (1313) stacking sequences that arises in bulk La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ crystals to identify universal features in this family of materials. Employing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) we observe the fingerprint of a spin-density wave (SDW) instability, strong and coherent enough to modify the electronic structure. We demonstrate that this feature is a `translated' $\beta$ Fermi surface associated with a scattering vector $Q_{t\beta}$ which matches the $Q_{SDW}$ detected by neutron and x-ray scattering experiments. This observation provides an important link between surface and bulk probes, and demonstrates a universal connection between magnetism and fermiology in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ as well as La$_4$Ni$_3$O$_{10}$. We simulate the spectral weight distribution observed in our ARPES dichroism experiments and establish that the low-energy electronic phenomenology is dominated by oxygen-centered planar orbitals, which -- upon moving along the Fermi surface away from the Ni-O-Ni bond directions -- evolve from the $d_{3x^2-r^2}$ and $d_{3y^2-r^2}$ symmetry characteristic of 3-spin polarons to the familiar $d_{x^2-y^2}$ Zhang-Rice singlets that support high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates. Despite the multiorbital nature of the nickelates, our work establishes an empirical correspondence between the low-energy electronic structure of cuprates and nickelates, thus suggesting a common origin for their unconventional superconductivity.
Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures
Document Type: Working Paper
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2502.20450
Accession Number: edsarx.2502.20450
Database: arXiv
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An: edsarx.2502.20450
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PreciseRelevancyScore: 1146.56652832031
Items – Name: Title
  Label: Title
  Group: Ti
  Data: Universal electronic structure of layered nickelates via oxygen-centered planar orbitals
– Name: Author
  Label: Authors
  Group: Au
  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Au-Yeung%2C+Christine+C%2E%22">Au-Yeung, Christine C.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Chen%2C+X%2E%22">Chen, X.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Smit%2C+S%2E%22">Smit, S.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Bluschke%2C+M%2E%22">Bluschke, M.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Zimmermann%2C+V%2E%22">Zimmermann, V.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Michiardi%2C+M%2E%22">Michiardi, M.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Moen%2C+P%2E%22">Moen, P.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Kraan%2C+J%2E%22">Kraan, J.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Pang%2C+C%2E+S%2E+B%2E%22">Pang, C. S. B.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Suen%2C+C%2E+T%2E%22">Suen, C. T.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Zhdanovich%2C+S%2E%22">Zhdanovich, S.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Zonno%2C+M%2E%22">Zonno, M.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Gorovikov%2C+S%2E%22">Gorovikov, S.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Liu%2C+Y%2E%22">Liu, Y.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Levy%2C+G%2E%22">Levy, G.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Elfimov%2C+I%2E+S%2E%22">Elfimov, I. S.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Berciu%2C+M%2E%22">Berciu, M.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Sawatzky%2C+G%2E+A%2E%22">Sawatzky, G. A.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Mitchell%2C+J%2E+F%2E%22">Mitchell, J. F.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Damascelli%2C+A%2E%22">Damascelli, A.</searchLink>
– Name: DatePubCY
  Label: Publication Year
  Group: Date
  Data: 2025
– Name: Subset
  Label: Collection
  Group: HoldingsInfo
  Data: Condensed Matter
– Name: Subject
  Label: Subject Terms
  Group: Su
  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Condensed+Matter+-+Superconductivity%22">Condensed Matter - Superconductivity</searchLink>
– Name: Abstract
  Label: Description
  Group: Ab
  Data: Superconductivity has recently been demonstrated in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ up to 91K under moderate pressure in bulk crystals, and up to 48K at ambient pressure in thin films grown under compressive strain. Key questions remain open regarding the crystal structure and low-energy electronic states that support superconductivity in these compounds. Here we take advantage of the natural polymorphism between bilayer (2222) or alternating monolayer-trilayer (1313) stacking sequences that arises in bulk La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ crystals to identify universal features in this family of materials. Employing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) we observe the fingerprint of a spin-density wave (SDW) instability, strong and coherent enough to modify the electronic structure. We demonstrate that this feature is a `translated' $\beta$ Fermi surface associated with a scattering vector $Q_{t\beta}$ which matches the $Q_{SDW}$ detected by neutron and x-ray scattering experiments. This observation provides an important link between surface and bulk probes, and demonstrates a universal connection between magnetism and fermiology in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ as well as La$_4$Ni$_3$O$_{10}$. We simulate the spectral weight distribution observed in our ARPES dichroism experiments and establish that the low-energy electronic phenomenology is dominated by oxygen-centered planar orbitals, which -- upon moving along the Fermi surface away from the Ni-O-Ni bond directions -- evolve from the $d_{3x^2-r^2}$ and $d_{3y^2-r^2}$ symmetry characteristic of 3-spin polarons to the familiar $d_{x^2-y^2}$ Zhang-Rice singlets that support high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates. Despite the multiorbital nature of the nickelates, our work establishes an empirical correspondence between the low-energy electronic structure of cuprates and nickelates, thus suggesting a common origin for their unconventional superconductivity.<br />Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures
– Name: TypeDocument
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  Group: TypDoc
  Data: Working Paper
– Name: URL
  Label: Access URL
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  Data: <link linkTarget="URL" linkTerm="http://arxiv.org/abs/2502.20450" linkWindow="_blank">http://arxiv.org/abs/2502.20450</link>
– Name: AN
  Label: Accession Number
  Group: ID
  Data: edsarx.2502.20450
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RecordInfo BibRecord:
      – SubjectFull: Condensed Matter - Superconductivity
        Type: general
      – TitleFull: Universal electronic structure of layered nickelates via oxygen-centered planar orbitals
        Type: main
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Au-Yeung, Christine C.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Chen, X.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Smit, S.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Bluschke, M.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Zimmermann, V.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Michiardi, M.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Moen, P.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Kraan, J.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Pang, C. S. B.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Suen, C. T.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Zhdanovich, S.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Zonno, M.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Gorovikov, S.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Liu, Y.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Levy, G.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Elfimov, I. S.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Berciu, M.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Sawatzky, G. A.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Mitchell, J. F.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Damascelli, A.
      – BibEntity:
            – D: 27
              M: 02
              Type: published
              Y: 2025
ResultId 1