A variational approach to the analysis of the continuous space-time FEM for the wave equation

Bibliographic Details
Title: A variational approach to the analysis of the continuous space-time FEM for the wave equation
Authors: Gómez, Sergio
Publication Year: 2025
Collection: Computer Science
Subject Terms: Mathematics - Numerical Analysis, 65M60, 65M12, 35L04
More Details: We present a stability and convergence analysis of the space-time continuous finite element method for the Hamiltonian formulation of the wave equation. More precisely, we prove a continuous dependence of the discrete solution on the data in a $C^0([0, T]; X)$-type energy norm, which does not require any restriction on the meshsize or the time steps. Such stability estimates are then used to derive a priori error estimates with quasi-optimal convergence rates, where a suitable treatment of possible nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions is pivotal to avoid loss of accuracy. Moreover, based on the properties of a postprocessed approximation, we derive a constant-free, reliable a posteriori error estimate in the $C^0([0, T]; L^2(\Omega))$-norm for the semidiscrete-in-time formulation. Several numerical experiments are presented to validate our theoretical findings.
Document Type: Working Paper
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2501.11494
Accession Number: edsarx.2501.11494
Database: arXiv
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