Femtoscopic study of the $S=-1$ meson-baryon interaction: $K^-p$, $\pi^-\Lambda$ and $K^+\Xi^-$ correlations

Bibliographic Details
Title: Femtoscopic study of the $S=-1$ meson-baryon interaction: $K^-p$, $\pi^-\Lambda$ and $K^+\Xi^-$ correlations
Authors: EncarnaciĆ³n, P., Feijoo, A., Sarti, V. Mantovani, Ramos, A.
Publication Year: 2024
Collection: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Theory
Subject Terms: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, Nuclear Theory
More Details: We study the femtoscopic correlation functions of meson-baryon pairs in the strangeness $S=-1$ sector, employing unitarized s-wave scattering amplitudes derived from the chiral Lagrangian up to next-to-leading order. For the first time, we deliver predictions on the $\pi^-\Lambda$ and $K^+\Xi^-$ correlation functions which are feasible to be measured at the Large Hadron Collider. We also demonstrate that the employed model is perfectly capable of reproducing the $K^-p$ correlation function data measured by the same collaboration, without the need to modify the coupling strength to the $\bar{K}^0n$ channel, as has been recently suggested. In all cases, the effects of the source size on the correlation are tested. In addition, we present detailed analysis of the different coupled-channel contributions, together with the quantification of the relative relevance of the different terms in the interaction.
Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures
Document Type: Working Paper
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2412.20880
Accession Number: edsarx.2412.20880
Database: arXiv
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