Spin-orbital Jahn-Teller bipolarons

Bibliographic Details
Title: Spin-orbital Jahn-Teller bipolarons
Authors: Celiberti, Lorenzo, Mosca, Dario Fiore, Allodi, Giuseppe, Pourovskii, Leonid V., Tassetti, Anna, Forino, Paola Caterina, Cong, Rong, Garcia, Erick, Tran, Phuong M., De Renzi, Roberto, Woodward, Patrick M., Mitrović, Vesna F., Sanna, Samuele, Franchini, Cesare
Publication Year: 2023
Collection: Condensed Matter
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
More Details: Polarons and spin-orbit (SO) coupling are distinct quantum effects that play a critical role in charge transport and spin-orbitronics. Polarons originate from strong electron-phonon interaction and are ubiquitous in polarizable materials featuring electron localization, in particular $\mathrm{3d}$ transition metal oxides (TMOs). On the other hand, the relativistic coupling between the spin and orbital angular momentum is notable in lattices with heavy atoms and develops in $\mathrm{5d}$ TMOs, where electrons are spatially delocalized. Here we combine ab initio calculations and magnetic measurements to show that these two seemingly mutually exclusive interactions are entangled in the electron-doped SO-coupled Mott insulator $\mathrm{Ba_2Na_{1-x}Ca_xOsO_6}$ ($0< x < 1$), unveiling the formation of spin-orbital bipolarons. Polaron charge trapping, favoured by the Jahn-Teller lattice activity, converts the Os $\mathrm{5d^1}$ spin-orbital $\mathrm{J_{eff}=3/2}$ levels, characteristic of the parent compound $\mathrm{Ba_2NaOsO_6}$ (BNOO), into a bipolaron $\mathrm{5d^2}$ $\mathrm{J_{eff}=2}$ manifold, leading to the coexistence of different J-effective states in a single-phase material. The gradual increase of bipolarons with increasing doping creates robust in-gap states that prevents the transition to a metal phase even at ultrahigh doping, thus preserving the Mott gap across the entire doping range from $\mathrm{d^1}$ BNOO to $\mathrm{d^2}$ $\mathrm{Ba_2CaOsO_6}$ (BCOO).
Document Type: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46621-0
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.15757
Accession Number: edsarx.2306.15757
Database: arXiv
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