Finding Early Adopters of Innovation in Social Network

Bibliographic Details
Title: Finding Early Adopters of Innovation in Social Network
Authors: Sziklai, Balázs R., Lengyel, Balázs
Publication Year: 2022
Collection: Computer Science
Subject Terms: Computer Science - Social and Information Networks, 91D30
More Details: Social networks play a fundamental role in the diffusion of innovation through peers' influence on adoption. Thus, network position including a wide range of network centrality measures have been used to describe individuals' affinity to adopt an innovation and their ability to propagate diffusion. Yet, social networks are assortative in terms of susceptibility and influence and in terms of network centralities as well. This makes the identification of influencers difficult especially since susceptibility and centrality does not always go hand in hand. Here we propose the Top Candidate algorithm, an expert recommendation method, to rank individuals based on their perceived expertise, which resonates well with the assortative nature of innovators and early adopters. Leveraging adoption data from two online social networks that are assortative in terms of adoption but represent different levels of assortativity of network centralities, we demonstrate that the Top Candidate ranking is more efficient in capturing early adopters than other widely used indices. Top Candidate nodes adopt earlier and have higher reach among innovators, early adopters and early majority than nodes highlighted by other methods. These results suggest that the Top Candidate method can identify good seeds for influence maximization campaigns on social networks.
Document Type: Working Paper
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Accession Number: edsarx.2210.13907
Database: arXiv
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An: edsarx.2210.13907
RelevancyScore: 1043
AccessLevel: 3
PubType: Report
PubTypeId: report
PreciseRelevancyScore: 1043.47009277344
Items – Name: Title
  Label: Title
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  Data: Finding Early Adopters of Innovation in Social Network
– Name: Author
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  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Sziklai%2C+Balázs+R%2E%22">Sziklai, Balázs R.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Lengyel%2C+Balázs%22">Lengyel, Balázs</searchLink>
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  Data: 2022
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  Data: Computer Science
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  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Computer+Science+-+Social+and+Information+Networks%22">Computer Science - Social and Information Networks</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%2291D30%22">91D30</searchLink>
– Name: Abstract
  Label: Description
  Group: Ab
  Data: Social networks play a fundamental role in the diffusion of innovation through peers' influence on adoption. Thus, network position including a wide range of network centrality measures have been used to describe individuals' affinity to adopt an innovation and their ability to propagate diffusion. Yet, social networks are assortative in terms of susceptibility and influence and in terms of network centralities as well. This makes the identification of influencers difficult especially since susceptibility and centrality does not always go hand in hand. Here we propose the Top Candidate algorithm, an expert recommendation method, to rank individuals based on their perceived expertise, which resonates well with the assortative nature of innovators and early adopters. Leveraging adoption data from two online social networks that are assortative in terms of adoption but represent different levels of assortativity of network centralities, we demonstrate that the Top Candidate ranking is more efficient in capturing early adopters than other widely used indices. Top Candidate nodes adopt earlier and have higher reach among innovators, early adopters and early majority than nodes highlighted by other methods. These results suggest that the Top Candidate method can identify good seeds for influence maximization campaigns on social networks.
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  Data: edsarx.2210.13907
RecordInfo BibRecord:
      – SubjectFull: Computer Science - Social and Information Networks
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: 91D30
        Type: general
      – TitleFull: Finding Early Adopters of Innovation in Social Network
        Type: main
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Sziklai, Balázs R.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Lengyel, Balázs
      – BibEntity:
            – D: 25
              M: 10
              Type: published
              Y: 2022
ResultId 1