7Be detection in the 2021 outburst of RS Oph

Bibliographic Details
Title: 7Be detection in the 2021 outburst of RS Oph
Authors: Molaro, P., Izzo, L., Selvelli, P., Bonifacio, P., Aydi, E., Cescutti, G., Guido, E., Harvey, E. J., Hernanz, M., Della Valle, M.
Source: MNRAS 2022
Publication Year: 2022
Collection: Astrophysics
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
More Details: The recurrent nova RS Oph underwent a new outburst on August 8, 2021, reaching a visible brightness of V = 4.8 mag. Observations of the 2021 outburst made with the high resolution UVES spectrograph at the Kueyen-UT2 telescope of ESO-VLT in Paranal enabled detection of the possible presence of 7Be freshly made in the thermonuclear runaway reactions. The 7Be yields can be estimated in N(Be)/N(H) = 5.7 x 10^(-6), which are close to the lowest yields measured in classical novae so far. 7Be is short-lived and decays only into 7Li. By means of a spectrum taken during the nebular phase we estimated an ejected mass of about 1.1 x 10^(-5) Msun, providing an amount of about 4.4x 10^(-10) Msun of 7Li created in the 2021 event. Recurrent novae of the kind of RS Oph may synthesize slightly lower amount of 7Li per event as classical novae, but occur 10^3 times more frequently. The recurrent novae fraction is in the range of 10-30% and they could have contributed to the making of 7Li we observe today. The detection of 7Be in RS Oph provides further support to the recent suggestion that novae are the most effective source of 7Li in the Galaxy.
Comment: Accepted 2022 September 17. Received 2022 September 16; in original form 2022 April 20. 12 pages, 13 figures
Document Type: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac2708
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.11008
Accession Number: edsarx.2209.11008
Database: arXiv
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Items – Name: Title
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  Data: 7Be detection in the 2021 outburst of RS Oph
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  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Molaro%2C+P%2E%22">Molaro, P.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Izzo%2C+L%2E%22">Izzo, L.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Selvelli%2C+P%2E%22">Selvelli, P.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Bonifacio%2C+P%2E%22">Bonifacio, P.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Aydi%2C+E%2E%22">Aydi, E.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Cescutti%2C+G%2E%22">Cescutti, G.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Guido%2C+E%2E%22">Guido, E.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Harvey%2C+E%2E+J%2E%22">Harvey, E. J.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Hernanz%2C+M%2E%22">Hernanz, M.</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Della+Valle%2C+M%2E%22">Della Valle, M.</searchLink>
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  Data: MNRAS 2022
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  Data: Astrophysics
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  Data: <searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Astrophysics+-+Solar+and+Stellar+Astrophysics%22">Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics</searchLink>
– Name: Abstract
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  Group: Ab
  Data: The recurrent nova RS Oph underwent a new outburst on August 8, 2021, reaching a visible brightness of V = 4.8 mag. Observations of the 2021 outburst made with the high resolution UVES spectrograph at the Kueyen-UT2 telescope of ESO-VLT in Paranal enabled detection of the possible presence of 7Be freshly made in the thermonuclear runaway reactions. The 7Be yields can be estimated in N(Be)/N(H) = 5.7 x 10^(-6), which are close to the lowest yields measured in classical novae so far. 7Be is short-lived and decays only into 7Li. By means of a spectrum taken during the nebular phase we estimated an ejected mass of about 1.1 x 10^(-5) Msun, providing an amount of about 4.4x 10^(-10) Msun of 7Li created in the 2021 event. Recurrent novae of the kind of RS Oph may synthesize slightly lower amount of 7Li per event as classical novae, but occur 10^3 times more frequently. The recurrent novae fraction is in the range of 10-30% and they could have contributed to the making of 7Li we observe today. The detection of 7Be in RS Oph provides further support to the recent suggestion that novae are the most effective source of 7Li in the Galaxy.<br />Comment: Accepted 2022 September 17. Received 2022 September 16; in original form 2022 April 20. 12 pages, 13 figures
– Name: TypeDocument
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  Data: Working Paper
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  Data: 10.1093/mnras/stac2708
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  Data: <link linkTarget="URL" linkTerm="http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.11008" linkWindow="_blank">http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.11008</link>
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  Data: edsarx.2209.11008
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RecordInfo BibRecord:
      – Type: doi
        Value: 10.1093/mnras/stac2708
      – SubjectFull: Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
        Type: general
      – TitleFull: 7Be detection in the 2021 outburst of RS Oph
        Type: main
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Molaro, P.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Izzo, L.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Selvelli, P.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Bonifacio, P.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Aydi, E.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Cescutti, G.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Guido, E.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Harvey, E. J.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Hernanz, M.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Della Valle, M.
      – BibEntity:
            – D: 22
              M: 09
              Type: published
              Y: 2022
ResultId 1