Revisiting Attenuation Curves: the Case of NGC 3351

Bibliographic Details
Title: Revisiting Attenuation Curves: the Case of NGC 3351
Authors: Calzetti, Daniela, Battisti, Andrew J., Shivaei, Irene, Messa, Matteo, Cignoni, Michele, Adamo, Angela, Dale, Daniel A., Gallagher, John S., Grasha, Kathryn, Grebel, Eva K., Kennicutt, Robert C., Linden, Sean T., Ostlin, Goran, Sabbi, Elena, Smith, Linda J., Tosi, Monica, Wofford, Aida
Publication Year: 2021
Collection: Astrophysics
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
More Details: Multi-wavelength images from the farUV (~0.15 micron) to the sub-millimeter of the central region of the galaxy NGC 3351 are analyzed to constrain its stellar populations and dust attenuation. Despite hosting a ~1 kpc circumnuclear starburst ring, NGC 3351 deviates from the IRX-beta relation, the relation between the infrared-to-UV luminosity ratio and the UV continuum slope (beta) that other starburst galaxies follow. To understand the reason for the deviation, we leverage the high angular resolution of archival nearUV-to-nearIR HST images to divide the ring into ~60-180 pc size regions and model each individually. We find that the UV slope of the combined intrinsic (dust-free) stellar populations in the central region is redder than what is expected for a young model population. This is due to the region's complex star formation history, which boosts the nearUV emission relative to the farUV. The resulting net attenuation curve has a UV slope that lies between those of the starburst attenuation curve (Calzetti et al. 2000) and the Small Magellanic Cloud extinction curve; the total-to-selective attenuation value, R'(V)=4.93, is larger than both. As found for other star-forming galaxies, the stellar continuum of NGC 3351 is less attenuated than the ionized gas, with E(B-V)_{star}=0.40 E(B-V)_{gas}. The combination of the `red' intrinsic stellar population and the new attenuation curve fully accounts for the location of the central region of NGC 3351 on the IRX-beta diagram. Thus, the observed characteristics result from the complex mixture of stellar populations and dust column densities in the circumnuclear region. Despite being a sample of one, these findings highlight the difficulty of defining attenuation curves of general applicability outside the regime of centrally-concentrated starbursts.
Comment: 45 page, 17 figures; accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journal, March 21st, 2021
Document Type: Working Paper
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/abf118
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Accession Number: edsarx.2103.12117
Database: arXiv
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