Quantum soundness of the classical low individual degree test

Bibliographic Details
Title: Quantum soundness of the classical low individual degree test
Authors: Ji, Zhengfeng, Natarajan, Anand, Vidick, Thomas, Wright, John, Yuen, Henry
Publication Year: 2020
Collection: Computer Science
Quantum Physics
Subject Terms: Quantum Physics, Computer Science - Computational Complexity, Mathematics - Probability
More Details: Low degree tests play an important role in classical complexity theory, serving as basic ingredients in foundational results such as $\mathsf{MIP} = \mathsf{NEXP}$ [BFL91] and the PCP theorem [AS98,ALM+98]. Over the last ten years, versions of these tests which are sound against quantum provers have found increasing applications to the study of nonlocal games and the complexity class~$\mathsf{MIP}^*$. The culmination of this line of work is the result $\mathsf{MIP}^* = \mathsf{RE}$ [arXiv:2001.04383]. One of the key ingredients in the first reported proof of $\mathsf{MIP}^* = \mathsf{RE}$ is a two-prover variant of the low degree test, initially shown to be sound against multiple quantum provers in [arXiv:1302.1242]. Unfortunately a mistake was recently discovered in the latter result, invalidating the main result of [arXiv:1302.1242] as well as its use in subsequent works, including [arXiv:2001.04383]. We analyze a variant of the low degree test called the low individual degree test. Our main result is that the two-player version of this test is sound against quantum provers. This soundness result is sufficient to re-derive several bounds on~$\mathsf{MIP}^*$ that relied on [arXiv:1302.1242], including $\mathsf{MIP}^* = \mathsf{RE}$.
Document Type: Working Paper
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.12982
Accession Number: edsarx.2009.12982
Database: arXiv
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