Consecutive magnetic phase diagram of UCoGe-URhGe-UIrGe system

Bibliographic Details
Title: Consecutive magnetic phase diagram of UCoGe-URhGe-UIrGe system
Authors: Pospíšil, Jiří, Haga, Yoshinori, Miyake, Atsushi, Kambe, Shinsaku, Tateiwa, Naoyuki, Tokunaga, Yo, Honda, Fuminori, Nakamura, Ai, Homma, Yoshiya, Tokunaga, Masashi, Aoki, Dai, Yamamoto, Etsuji
Source: Physica B (2017)
Publication Year: 2017
Collection: Condensed Matter
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
More Details: We prepared single crystals in UCo1-xRhxGe and UIr1-xRhxGe systems to establish a complex dU-U-T (dU-U is the shortest interatomic uranium distance and T is temperature) magnetic phase diagram. This recognized a characteristic maximum in magnetic susceptibility at temperature Tmax along the b axis as an important parameter. Three magnetically ordered regions can be distinguished within this scope; first a ferromagnetic region with Curie temperature < Tmax, second a ferromagnetic region with Curie temperature = Tmax and finally an antiferromagnetic region existing on the UIrGe side with N\'eel temperature < Tmax.
Comment: SCES 2017 Prague
Document Type: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2017.10.050
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Accession Number: edsarx.1711.00298
Database: arXiv
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