Probing ultrafast \pi\pi*/n\pi* internal conversion in organic chromophores via K-edge resonant absorption

Bibliographic Details
Title: Probing ultrafast \pi\pi*/n\pi* internal conversion in organic chromophores via K-edge resonant absorption
Authors: Wolf, T. J. A., Myhre, R. H., Cryan, J. P., Coriani, S., Squibb, R. J., Battistoni, A., Berrah, N., Bostedt, C., Bucksbaum, P., Coslovich, G., Feifel, R., Gaffney, K. J., Grilj, J., Martinez, T. J., Miyabe, S., Moeller, S. P., Mucke, M., Natan, A., Obaid, R., Osipov, T., Plekan, O., Wang, S., Koch, H., Gühr, M.
Publication Year: 2016
Collection: Physics (Other)
Subject Terms: Physics - Chemical Physics
More Details: Organic chromophores with heteroatoms possess an important excited state relaxation channel from an optically allowed {\pi}{\pi}* to a dark n{\pi}*state. We exploit the element and site specificity of soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy to selectively follow the electronic change during the {\pi}{\pi}*/n{\pi}* internal conversion. As a hole forms in the n orbital during {\pi}{\pi}*/n{\pi}* internal conversion, the near edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectrum at the heteroatom K-edge exhibits an additional resonance. We demonstrate the concept with the nucleobase thymine, a prototypical heteroatomic chromophore. With the help of time resolved NEXAFS spectroscopy at the oxygen K-edge, we unambiguously show that {\pi}{\pi}*/n{\pi}* internal conversion takes place within (60 \pm 30) fs. High-level coupled cluster calculations on the isolated molecules used in the experiment confirm the superb electronic structure sensitivity of this new method for excited state investigations.
Document Type: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00069-7
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Accession Number: edsarx.1610.08498
Database: arXiv
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