First measurement of electron neutrino appearance in NOvA

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Title: First measurement of electron neutrino appearance in NOvA
Authors: Adamson, P., Ader, C., Andrews, M., Anfimov, N., Anghel, I., Arms, K., Arrieta-Diaz, E., Aurisano, A., Ayres, D. S., Backhouse, C., Baird, M., Bambah, B. A., Bays, K., Bernstein, R., Betancourt, M., Bhatnagar, V., Bhuyan, B., Bian, J., Biery, K., Blackburn, T., Bocean, V., Bogert, D., Bolshakova, A., Bowden, M., Bower, C., Broemmelsiek, D., Bromberg, C., Brunetti, G., Bu, X., Butkevich, A., Capista, D., Catano-Mur, E., Chase, T. R., Childress, S., Choudhary, B. C., Chowdhury, B., Coan, T. E., Coelho, J. A. B., Colo, M., Cooper, J., Corwin, L., Cronin-Hennessy, D., Cunningham, A., Davies, G. S., Davies, J. P., Del Tutto, M., Derwent, P. F., Deepthi, K. N., Demuth, D., Desai, S., Deuerling, G., Devan, A., Dey, J., Dharmapalan, R., Ding, P., Dixon, S., Djurcic, Z., Dukes, E. C., Duyang, H., Ehrlich, R., Feldman, G. J., Felt, N., Fenyves, E. J., Flumerfelt, E., Foulkes, S., Frank, M. J., Freeman, W., Gabrielyan, M., Gallagher, H. R., Gebhard, M., Ghosh, T., Gilbert, W., Giri, A., Goadhouse, S., Gomes, R. A., Goodenough, L., Goodman, M. C., Grichine, V., Grossman, N., Group, R., Grudzinski, J., Guarino, V., Guo, B., Habig, A., Handler, T., Hartnell, J., Hatcher, R., Hatzikoutelis, A., Heller, K., Howcroft, C., Huang, J., Huang, X., Hylen, J., Ishitsuka, M., Jediny, F., Jensen, C., Jensen, D., Johnson, C., Jostlein, H., Kafka, G. K., Kamyshkov, Y., Kasahara, S. M. S., Kasetti, S., Kephart, K., Koizumi, G., Kotelnikov, S., Kourbanis, I., Krahn, Z., Kravtsov, V., Kreymer, A., Kulenberg, Ch., Kumar, A., Kutnink, T., Kwarciancy, R., Kwong, J., Lang, K., Lee, A., Lee, W. M., Lee, K., Lein, S., Liu, J., Lokajicek, M., Lozier, J., Lu, Q., Lucas, P., Luchuk, S., Lukens, P., Lukhanin, G., Magill, S., Maan, K., Mann, W. A., Marshak, M. L., Martens, M., Martincik, J., Mason, P., Matera, K., Mathis, M., Matveev, V., Mayer, N., McCluskey, E., Mehdiyev, R., Merritt, H., Messier, M. D., Meyer, H., Miao, T., Michael, D., Mikheyev, S. P., Miller, W. H., Mishra, S. R., Mohanta, R., Moren, A., Mualem, L., Muether, M., Mufson, S., Musser, J., Newman, H. B., Nelson, J. K., Niner, E., Norman, A., Nowak, J., Oksuzian, Y., Olshevskiy, A., Oliver, J., Olson, T., Paley, J., Pandey, P., Para, A., Patterson, R. B., Pawloski, G., Pearson, N., Perevalov, D., Pershey, D., Peterson, E., Petti, R., Phan-Budd, S., Piccoli, L., Pla-Dalmau, A., Plunkett, R. K., Poling, R., Potukuchi, B., Psihas, F., Pushka, D., Qiu, X., Raddatz, N., Radovic, A., Rameika, R. A., Ray, R., Rebel, B., Rechenmacher, R., Reed, B., Reilly, R., Rocco, D., Rodkin, D., Ruddick, K., Rusack, R., Ryabov, V., Sachdev, K., Sahijpal, S., Sahoo, H., Samoylov, O., Sanchez, M. C., Saoulidou, N., Schlabach, P., Schneps, J., Schroeter, R., Sepulveda-Quiroz, J., Shanahan, P., Sherwood, B., Sheshukov, A., Singh, J., Singh, V., Smith, A., Smith, D., Smolik, J., Solomey, N., Sotnikov, A., Sousa, A., Soustruznik, K., Stenkin, Y., Strait, M., Suter, L., Talaga, R. L., Tamsett, M. C., Tariq, S., Tas, P., Tesarek, R. J., Thayyullathil, R. B., Thomsen, K., Tian, X., Tognini, S. C., Toner, R., Trevor, J., Tzanakos, G., Urheim, J., Vahle, P., Valerio, L., Vinton, L., Vrba, T., Waldron, A. V., Wang, B., Wang, Z., Weber, A., Wehmann, A., Whittington, D., Wilcer, N., Wildberger, R., Wildman, D., Williams, K., Wojcicki, S. G., Wood, K., Xiao, M., Xin, T., Yadav, N., Yang, S., Zadorozhnyy, S., Zalesak, J., Zamorano, B., Zhao, A., Zirnstein, J., Zwaska, R.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 151806 (2016)
Publication Year: 2016
Collection: High Energy Physics - Experiment
Physics (Other)
Subject Terms: High Energy Physics - Experiment, Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
More Details: We report results from the first search for $\nu_\mu\to\nu_e$ transitions by the NOvA experiment. In an exposure equivalent to $2.74\times10^{20}$ protons-on-target in the upgraded NuMI beam at Fermilab, we observe 6 events in the Far Detector, compared to a background expectation of $0.99\pm0.11$ (syst.) events based on the Near Detector measurement. A secondary analysis observes 11 events with a background of $1.07\pm0.14$ (syst.). The $3.3\sigma$ excess of events observed in the primary analysis disfavors $0.1\pi < \delta_{CP} < 0.5\pi$ in the inverted mass hierarchy at the 90% C.L.
Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Minor updates to match version accepted by journal
Document Type: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.151806
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsarx.1601.05022
Database: arXiv
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