Bibliographic Details
Title: |
Measurement of high-Q2 neutral current deep inelastic e+p scattering cross sections with a longitudinally polarised positron beam at HERA |
Authors: |
ZEUS Collaboration, Abramowicz, H., Abt, I., Adamczyk, L., Adamus, M., Aggarwal, R., Antonelli, S., Antonioli, P., Antonov, A., Arneodo, M., Arslan, O., Aushev, V., Aushev, Y., Bachynska, O., Bamberger, A., Barakbaev, A. N., Barbagli, G., Bari, G., Barreiro, F., Bartosik, N., Bartsch, D., Basile, M., Behnke, O., Behr, J., Behrens, U., Bellagamba, L., Bertolin, A., Bhadra, S., Bindi, M., Blohm, C., Bokhonov, V., Bold, T., Bondarenko, K., Boos, E. G., Borras, K., Boscherini, D., Bot, D., Brock, I., Brownson, E., Brugnera, R., Brummer, N., Bruni, A., Bruni, G., Brzozowska, B., Bussey, P. J., Bylsma, B., Caldwell, A., Capua, M., Carlin, R., Catterall, C. D., Chekanov, S., Chwastowski, J., Ciborowski, J., Ciesielski, R., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Contin, A., Cooper-Sarkar, A. M., Coppola, N., Corradi, M., Corriveau, F., Costa, M., D'Agostini, G., Corso, F. Dal, del Peso, J., Dementiev, R. K., De Pasquale, S., Derrick, M., Devenish, R. C. E., Dobur, D., Dolgoshein, B. A., Dolinska, G., Doyle, A. T., Drugakov, V., Durkin, L. S., Dusini, S., Eisenberg, Y., Ermolov, P. F., Eskreys, A., Fang, S., Fazio, S., Ferrando, J., Ferrero, M. I., Figiel, J., Foster, B., Gach, G., Galas, A., Gallo, E., Garfagnini, A., Geiser, A., Gialas, I., Gizhko, A., Gladilin, L. K., Gladkov, D., Glasman, C., Gogota, O., Golubkov, Yu. A., Gottlicher, P., Grabowska-Bold, I., Grebenyuk, J., Gregor, I., Grigorescu, G., Grzelak, G., Gueta, O., Guzik, M., Gwenlan, C., Haas, T., Hain, W., Hamatsu, R., Hart, J. C., Hartmann, H., Hartner, G., Hilger, E., Hochman, D., Hori, R., Huttmann, A., Ibrahim, Z. A., Iga, Y., Ingbir, R., Ishitsuka, M., Jakob, H. -P., Januschek, F., Jones, T. W., Jungst, M., Kadenko, I., Kahle, B., Kananov, S., Kanno, T., Karshon, U., Karstens, F., Katkov, I. I., Kaur, M., Kaur, P., Keramidas, A., Khein, L. A., Kim, J. Y., Kisielewska, D., Kitamura, S., Klanner, R., Klein, U., Koffeman, E., Kondrashova, N., Kononenko, O., Kooijman, P., Korol, Ie., Korzhavina, I. A., Kotanski, A., Kotz, U., Kowalski, H., Kuprash, O., Kuze, M., Lee, A., Levchenko, B. B., Levy, A., Libov, V., Limentani, S., Ling, T. Y., Lisovyi, M., Lobodzinska, E., Lohmann, W., Lohr, B., Lohrmann, E., Long, K. R., Longhin, A., Lontkovskyi, D., Lukina, O. Yu., Maeda, J., Magill, S., Makarenko, I., Malka, J., Mankel, R., Margotti, A., Marini, G., Martin, J. F., Mastroberardino, A., Mattingly, M. C. K., Melzer-Pellmann, I. -A., Mergelmeyer, S., Miglioranzi, S., Idris, F. Mohamad, Monaco, V., Montanari, A., Morris, J. D., Mujkic, K., Musgrave, B., Nagano, K., Namsoo, T., Nania, R., Nigro, A., Ning, Y., Nobe, T., Notz, D., Nowak, R. J., Nuncio-Quiroz, A. E., Oh, B. Y., Okazaki, N., Olkiewicz, K., Onishchuk, Yu., Papageorgiu, K., Parenti, A., Paul, E., Pawlak, J. M., Pawlik, B., Pelfer, P. G., Pellegrino, A., Perlanski, W., Perrey, H., Piotrzkowski, K., Plucinski, P., Pokrovskiy, N. S., Polini, A., Proskuryakov, A. S., Przybycien, M., Raval, A., Reeder, D. D., Reisert, B., Ren, Z., Repond, J., Ri, Y. D., Robertson, A., Roloff, P., Rubinsky, I., Ruspa, M., Sacchi, R., Samson, U., Sartorelli, G., Savin, A. A., Saxon, D. H., Schioppa, M., Schlenstedt, S., Schleper, P., Schmidke, W. B., Schneekloth, U., Schonberg, V., Schorner-Sadenius, T., Schwartz, J., Sciulli, F., Shcheglova, L. M., Shehzadi, R., Shimizu, S., Singh, I., Skillicorn, I. O., Slominski, W., Smith, W. H., Sola, V., Solano, A., Son, D., Sosnovtsev, V., Spiridonov, A., Stadie, H., Stanco, L., Stefaniuk, N., Stern, A., Stewart, T. P., Stifutkin, A., Stopa, P., Suchkov, S., Susinno, G., Suszycki, L., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Szuba, D., Szuba, J., Tapper, A. D., Tassi, E., Terron, J., Theedt, T., Tiecke, H., Tokushuku, K., Tomaszewska, J., Trusov, V., Tsurugai, T., Turcato, M., Turkot, O., Tymieniecka, T., Vazquez, M., Verbytskyi, A., Viazlo, O., Vlasov, N. N., Walczak, R., Abdullah, W. A. T. Wan, Whitmore, J. J., Wichmann, K., Wiggers, L., Wing, M., Wlasenko, M., Wolf, G., Wolfe, H., Wrona, K., Yagues-Molina, A. G., Yamada, S., Yamazaki, Y., Yoshida, R., Youngman, C., Zabiegalov, O., Zarnecki, A. F. ., Zawiejski, L., Zenaiev, O., Zeuner, W., Zhautykov, B. O., Zhmak, N., Zichichi, A., Zolkapli, Z., Zotkin, D. S. |
Source: |
Phys Rev D 87 (2013) 052014 |
Publication Year: |
2012 |
Collection: |
High Energy Physics - Experiment |
Subject Terms: |
High Energy Physics - Experiment |
More Details: |
Measurements of neutral current cross sections for deep inelastic scattering in e+p collisions at HERA with a longitudinally polarised positron beam are presented. The single-differential cross-sections d(sigma)/dQ2, d(sigma)/dx and d(sigma)/dy and the reduced cross-section were measured in the kinematic region Q2 > 185 GeV2 and y < 0.9, where Q2 is the four-momentum transfer squared, x the Bjorken scaling variable, and y the inelasticity of the interaction. The measurements were performed separately for positively and negatively polarised positron beams. The measurements are based on an integrated luminosity of 135.5 pb-1 collected with the ZEUS detector in 2006 and 2007 at a centre-of-mass energy of 318 GeV. The structure functions F3 and F3(gamma)Z were determined by combining the e+p results presented in this paper with previously published e-p neutral current results. The asymmetry parameter A+ is used to demonstrate the parity violation predicted in electroweak interactions. The measurements are well described by the predictions of the Standard Model. Comment: 46 pages, 10 figures and 15 tables. Version updated after journal review and including full list of authors |
Document Type: |
Working Paper |
DOI: |
10.1103/PhysRevD.87.052014 |
Access URL: | |
Accession Number: |
edsarx.1208.6138 |
Database: |
arXiv |