Orbital reflectometry

Bibliographic Details
Title: Orbital reflectometry
Authors: Benckiser, E., Haverkort, M. W., Brueck, S., Goering, E., Macke, S., Frano, A., Yang, X., Andersen, O. K., Cristiani, G., Habermeier, H. U., Boris, A. V., Zegkinoglou, I., Wochner, P., Kim, H. J., Hinkov, V., Keimer, B.
Source: Nature Materials 11, 189-193 (2011)
Publication Year: 2010
Collection: Condensed Matter
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons, Condensed Matter - Materials Science
More Details: The occupation of d-orbitals controls the magnitude and anisotropy of the inter-atomic electron transfer in transition metal oxides and hence exerts a key influence on their chemical bonding and physical properties. Atomic-scale modulations of the orbital occupation at surfaces and interfaces are believed to be responsible for massive variations of the magnetic and transport properties, but could thus far not be probed in a quantitative manner. Here we show that it is possible to derive quantitative, spatially resolved orbital polarization profiles from soft x-ray reflectivity data, without resorting to model calculations. We demonstrate that the method is sensitive enough to resolve differences of 3 % in the occupation of Ni e_g orbitals in adjacent atomic layers of a LaNiO3-LaAlO3 superlattice, in good agreement with ab-initio electronic-structure calculations. The possibility to quantitatively correlate theory and experiment on the atomic scale opens up many new perspectives for orbital physics in d-electron materials.
Document Type: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1038/nmat2958
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.0238
Accession Number: edsarx.1101.0238
Database: arXiv
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