A classification of two dimensional integrable mappings and rational elliptic surfaces

Bibliographic Details
Title: A classification of two dimensional integrable mappings and rational elliptic surfaces
Authors: Carstea, A. S., Takenawa, T.
Publication Year: 2010
Collection: Mathematics
Nonlinear Sciences
Subject Terms: Mathematics - Dynamical Systems, Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry, Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems, 14H70
More Details: We classify two dimensional integrable mappings by investigating the actions on the fiber space of rational elliptic surfaces. While the QRT mappings can be restricted on each fiber, there exist several classes of integrable mappings which exchange fibers. We also show an equivalent condition when a generalized Halphen surface becomes a Halphen surface of index m.
Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures
Document Type: Working Paper
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1005.3586
Accession Number: edsarx.1005.3586
Database: arXiv
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An: edsarx.1005.3586
RelevancyScore: 931
AccessLevel: 3
PubType: Report
PubTypeId: report
PreciseRelevancyScore: 931.380004882813
Items – Name: Title
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  Data: A classification of two dimensional integrable mappings and rational elliptic surfaces
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– Name: Abstract
  Label: Description
  Group: Ab
  Data: We classify two dimensional integrable mappings by investigating the actions on the fiber space of rational elliptic surfaces. While the QRT mappings can be restricted on each fiber, there exist several classes of integrable mappings which exchange fibers. We also show an equivalent condition when a generalized Halphen surface becomes a Halphen surface of index m.<br />Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures
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RecordInfo BibRecord:
      – SubjectFull: Mathematics - Dynamical Systems
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
        Type: general
      – SubjectFull: 14H70
        Type: general
      – TitleFull: A classification of two dimensional integrable mappings and rational elliptic surfaces
        Type: main
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Carstea, A. S.
      – PersonEntity:
            NameFull: Takenawa, T.
      – BibEntity:
            – D: 20
              M: 05
              Type: published
              Y: 2010
ResultId 1