Composition of the L5 Mars Trojans: Neighbors, not Siblings

Bibliographic Details
Title: Composition of the L5 Mars Trojans: Neighbors, not Siblings
Authors: Rivkin, Andrew S., Trilling, David E., Thomas, Cristina A., DeMeo, Francesca, Spahr, Timothy B., Binzel, Richard P.
Publication Year: 2007
Collection: Astrophysics
Subject Terms: Astrophysics
More Details: Mars is the only terrestrial planet known to have Tro jan (co-orbiting) asteroids, with a confirmed population of at least 4 objects. The origin of these objects is not known; while several have orbits that are stable on solar-system timescales, work by Rivkin et al. (2003) showed they have compositions that suggest separate origins from one another. We have obtained infrared (0.8-2.5 micron) spectroscopy of the two largest L5 Mars Tro jans, and confirm and extend the results of Rivkin et al. (2003). We suggest that the differentiated angrite meteorites are good spectral analogs for 5261 Eureka, the largest Mars Trojan. Meteorite analogs for 101429 1998 VF31 are more varied and include primitive achondrites and mesosiderites.
Comment: 14 manuscript pages, 1 table, 6 figures. To be published in Icarus. See companion paper 0709.1921 by Trilling et al
Document Type: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2007.06.026
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Accession Number: edsarx.0709.1925
Database: arXiv
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