Recessive Variants in the Intergenic NOS1AP-C1orf226 Locus Cause Monogenic Kidney Disease

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Title: Recessive Variants in the Intergenic NOS1AP-C1orf226 Locus Cause Monogenic Kidney Disease
Authors: Buerger, Florian, Gauntner, Victoria C., Sharma, Vineeta, Guerrero Castillo, Sergio, Sun, Liang, Gomez, Alexis C., Mcnulty, Michelle, Sampson, Matt G., Al-hamed, Mohamed, Fawcett, James P., Hildebrandt, Friedhelm, Majmundar, Amar J.
Source: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology; October 2024, Vol. 35 Issue: 10, Number 10 Supplement 10
Database: Supplemental Index
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Published in:Journal of the American Society of Nephrology