Transfer reactions in the interaction of 40Ar with 232Th

Bibliographic Details
Title: Transfer reactions in the interaction of 40Ar with 232Th
Authors: Artukh, A.G., Gridnev, G.F., Mikheev, V.L., Volkov, V.V., Wilczynski, J.
Source: Nuclear Physics A; November 1973, Vol. 215 Issue: 1 p91-108, 18p
Abstract: Transfer reactions in the bombardment of a 232Th target with 297 MeV and 388 MeV 40Ar ions have been studied. The energy spectra, angular distributions and the cross sections for the formation of products having atomic numbers 5 ≦ Z≦ 20 have been measured. In the energy spectra of the reaction products broad peaks having energies in the vicinity of the output Coulomb barrier height have been observed along with the quasi-elastic ones. The dependence of the partial angular distribution of the light products on the reaction Q-value has been determined. The observed partial angular distributions have been analysed by applying the Strutinsky model. The total cross sections of light product formation have been found to be 1100 mb and 2400 mb for the 40Ar energies E= 297 MeV and E= 388 MeV, which give the values of the critical angular momentum of 102 ħ and 94 ħ respectively for the two cases.
Database: Supplemental Index
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Published in:Nuclear Physics A