Identification of Constant and Variable Parameters of Flying Vehicle by Projection Methods

Bibliographic Details
Title: Identification of Constant and Variable Parameters of Flying Vehicle by Projection Methods
Authors: Solodovnikov, V.V., Dmitriev, A.N., Gridnev, G.F.
Source: IFAC-PapersOnLine; May 1976, Vol. 9 Issue: 1 p485-494, 10p
Abstract: Open and closed methods of flying vechicle dynamic identification are considered. Sygnals and parameters are supposed to be Fourier series in Chebychev polynomials and non-linearity is multiplication. Using generalized spectral characteristics (GSC) and projection methods the identification problem is reduced to solving of linear algebraic equations. Identification methods for time-invariant systems are a particular case of time variable systems. Given methods can be used for identification both signals and parameters at the same time.
Database: Supplemental Index
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Published in:IFAC-PapersOnLine