Virulence and Immune Response Induced by Mycobacterium aviumComplex Strains in a Model of Progressive Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Subcutaneous Infection in BALB/c Mice

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Title: Virulence and Immune Response Induced by Mycobacterium aviumComplex Strains in a Model of Progressive Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Subcutaneous Infection in BALB/c Mice
Authors: González-Pérez, Mónica, Mariño-Ramírez, Leonardo, Parra-López, Carlos Alberto, Murcia, Martha Isabel, Marquina, Brenda, Mata-Espinoza, Dulce, Rodriguez-Míguez, Yadira, Baay-Guzman, Guillermina J., Huerta-Yepez, Sara, Hernandez-Pando, Rogelio
Source: Infection and Immunity; August 2013, Vol. 81 Issue: 11 p4001-4012, 12p
Abstract: ABSTRACTThe genus Mycobacteriumcomprises more than 150 species, including important pathogens for humans which cause major public health problems. The vast majority of efforts to understand the genus have been addressed in studies with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The biological differentiation between M. tuberculosisand nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) is important because there are distinctions in the sources of infection, treatments, and the course of disease. Likewise, the importance of studying NTM is not only due to its clinical significance but also due to the mechanisms by which some species are pathogenic while others are not. Mycobacterium aviumcomplex (MAC) is the most important group of NTM opportunistic pathogens, since it is the second largest medical complex in the genus after the M. tuberculosiscomplex. Here, we evaluated the virulence and immune response of M. aviumsubsp. aviumand Mycobacterium colombiense, using experimental models of progressive pulmonary tuberculosis and subcutaneous infection in BALB/c mice. Mice infected intratracheally with a high dose of MAC strains showed high expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) and inducible nitric oxide synthase with rapid bacillus elimination and numerous granulomas, but without lung consolidation during late infection in coexistence with high expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines. In contrast, subcutaneous infection showed high production of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-a and gamma interferon with relatively low production of anti-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-10 (IL-10) or IL-4, which efficiently eliminate the bacilli but maintain extensive inflammation and fibrosis. Thus, MAC infection evokes different immune and inflammatory responses depending on the MAC species and affected tissue.
Database: Supplemental Index
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Published in:Infection and Immunity