Laser Treatment for Subfoveal Neovascular Membranes in Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome: Results of a Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial

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Title: Laser Treatment for Subfoveal Neovascular Membranes in Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome: Results of a Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial
Authors: Fine, Stuart L., Wood, William J., Isernhagen, Rick D., Singerman, Lawrence J., Bressler, Neil M., Folk, James C., Kimura, Alan E., Fish, Gary Edd, Maguire, Maureen G., Alexander, Judith
Source: Archives of Ophthalmology; January 1993, Vol. 111 Issue: 1 p19-20, 2p
Abstract: TO THE EDITOR. —Published reports by the Macular Photocoagulation Study (MPS) Group1,2 have documented that laser photocoagulation is helpful in reducing the risk of severe vision loss in patients with ocular histoplasmosis syndrome complicated by choroidal neovascularization that does not involve the center of the fovea. In addition, there is at least one report documenting poor visual prognosis for patients with subfoveal choroidal neovascularization secondary to ocular histoplasmosis syndrome.3 Accordingly, in 1988, we began to enroll patients in a pilot randomized trial to assess laser treatment for patients with ocular histoplasmosis syndrome and subfoveal choroidal neovascular lesions. PATIENTS AND METHODS. —To be eligible for this trial, patients were required to have one or more atrophic lesions or "histo spots" in either eye, visual acuity of 20/40 to 20/320, and choroidal neovascularization under the center of the fovea. Eligible eyes could have previously untreated lesions (new membranes) or recurrent
Database: Supplemental Index
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Published in:Archives of Ophthalmology