Sliding Wear Characteristics of Plasma Sprayed 8%Y2O3-Zr Coating for Post-Spray Heat Treatment

Bibliographic Details
Title: Sliding Wear Characteristics of Plasma Sprayed 8%Y2O3-Zr Coating for Post-Spray Heat Treatment
Authors: Chae, Young Hun, Suh, Min Soo, Kim, Seock Sam
Source: Key Engineering Materials; November 2006, Vol. 324 Issue: 1 p1139-1142, 4p
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the wear characteristics of yttria-stabilized zirconia coating as a function of effect on post-spray heat treatment. We concerned that the residual stress is due to during cooling from a high deposition temperature. We will focus on the tribological wear performance as a magnitude of residual stress. The effect of residual stress as post-spay heat treatment temperature will be discussed. The plasma-sprayed 8%Y2O3-Zirconia coating is studied to know the relationship between phase transformations and wear properties after post-spray heat treatment. Wear tests is carried out with ball on disk type on 50 N, 70 N, 90 N under room temperature. The transformation of phase and magnitude of residual stress are measured by x-ray diffraction method (XRD). Tribological characteristics and wear mechanism for post-spray heat treatment is observed by SEM.
Database: Supplemental Index
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Published in:Key Engineering Materials