Tests of QCD and non-asymptotically-free theories of the strong interaction by an analysis of the nucleon structure functionsx F3,F2, and Bibliographic Details Title: Tests of QCD and non-asymptotically-free theories of the strong interaction by an analysis of the nucleon structure functionsx F3,F2, and Abramowicz, H., Dydak, F., de Groot, J. G. H., Knobloch, J., May, J., Palazzi, P., Para, A., Ranjard, F., Schlatter, D., Steinberger, J., Taureg, H., von Rüden, W., Wahl, H., Wotschack, J., Duda, J., Eisele, F., Klasen, H. P., Kleinknecht, K., Pszola, B., Renk, B., Willutzki, H. J., Flottmann, T., Geweniger, C., Królikowski, J., Rothberg, J., Tittel, K., Guyot, C., Merlo, J. P., Peyaud, B., Rander, J., Schuller, J. P., Turlay, R., He, J. T., Ruan, T. Z., Wu, W. M. Source: Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields; September 1982, Vol. 13 Issue: 3 p199-204, 6p Abstract: The scaling violations of the structure functionsF2,xF3, and  $$\bar q$$ , as measured in deep-inelastic neutrino-nucleon scattering at high hadron massW, have been compared with the predictions of QCD and other candidate field theories of strong interactions. Non-asymptotically free theories with scalar and vector gluons are incompatible with the data. This leaves QCD as the only field theory that gives a consistent description of all the observed scaling violations. The data do not, however, permit a sensitive test of the existence of the gluon self-coupling. Database: Supplemental Index

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Published in:Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields