Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Treatment (SMART) for Bipolar Disorder at Any Phase of Illness and at least Mild Symptom Severity.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Treatment (SMART) for Bipolar Disorder at Any Phase of Illness and at least Mild Symptom Severity.
Authors: Keming Gao, Arnold, Jodi G., Prihoda, Thomas J., Quinones, Marlon, Singh, Vivek, Schinagle, Martha, Conroy, Carla, D'Arcangelo, Nicole, Bai, Yuanhan, Calabrese, Joseph R., Bowden, Charles L.
Source: Psychopharmacology Bulletin; 2020, Vol. 50 Issue 2, p8-25, 18p
Database: Complementary Index
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Published in:Psychopharmacology Bulletin