1Academic Journal
Authors: TRZEBIATOWSKI, TIFFANY1 tiffany.trzebiatowski@colostate.edu, JIANG, KAIFENG2 jiang.1788@gsm.pku.edu.cn, ZHANG, ZHEN3 zhenzhang@smu.edu, ECKARDT, RORY4 reckardt@binghamton.edu, KIM, YEONGSU ANTHONY5 ykim0629@gmail.com
Source: Academy of Management Journal. Feb2025, Vol. 68 Issue 1, p191-218. 30p. 2 Color Photographs, 2 Diagrams, 4 Charts, 4 Graphs.
Subject Terms: *Diversity in the workplace, *Leaders, *Management turnover, *Labor turnover, Role theory, Women
Source: McKinsey Quarterly. 2025, Issue 1, p124-141. 18p. 10 Color Photographs, 4 Graphs.
Subject Terms: *Career development, *Diversity in the workplace, *Employee promotions, *Internship programs, *Employee training, Gender nonconformity, Leadership in women
Authors: Maor, Dana, Kaas, Hans-Werner, Strovink, Kurt, Srinivasan, Ramesh
Source: McKinsey Quarterly. 2025, Issue 1, p100-109. 10p. 2 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *Dress codes in the workplace, *Businesspeople, *Leadership, *Financial inclusion, Young adults
Company/Entity: Novartis AG 001221845 NVS
Authors: Ellingrud, Kweilin1 (AUTHOR), Yee, Lareina1 (AUTHOR), del Mar Martínez, María1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Harvard Business Review. Mar/Apr2025, Vol. 103 Issue 2, p64-71. 8p. 1 Color Photograph, 2 Cartoon or Caricatures.
Subject Terms: *Women's employment, *Equality in the workplace, *Women leaders, *Career development, *Work experience (Employment), *Artificial intelligence in business
5Academic Journal
Authors: Chen, Rong1 (AUTHOR) rongc@hfnu.edu.cn, Gu, Dongxiao2 (AUTHOR), Liang, Changyong2 (AUTHOR), Jiang, Li2 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Nov2024, Vol. 62 Issue 21, p7763-7792. 30p.
Subject Terms: *Teams in the workplace, *Artificial intelligence, *Pareto optimum, *Research & development projects, Particle swarm optimization
6Academic Journal
Faking It with the Boss's Jokes? Leader Humor Quantity, Follower Surface Acting, and Power Distance.
Authors: Hu, Xiaoran1 (AUTHOR) X.Hu16@lse.ac.uk, Parke, Michael R.2 (AUTHOR) mrparke@wharton.upenn.edu, Peterson, Randall S.3 (AUTHOR) rpeterson@london.edu, Simon, Grace M.2 (AUTHOR) gmsimon@wharton.upenn.edu
Source: Academy of Management Journal. Oct2024, Vol. 67 Issue 5, p1175-1206. 32p.
Subject Terms: *Humor in the workplace, *Superior-subordinate relationship, *Employee attitudes, *Power (Social sciences), *Employee well-being, *Leadership, Followership
7Academic Journal
Authors: Kaufmann, Lauren1 (AUTHOR) KaufmannL@darden.virginia.edu, Derry, Robbin2 (AUTHOR) Robbin.Derry@uleth.ca
Source: Academy of Management Review. Oct2024, Vol. 49 Issue 4, p775-798. 24p.
Subject Terms: *Diversity in the workplace, *Women employees, *Power (Social sciences), Intersectionality, Social marginality
8Academic Journal
9Academic Journal
Authors: Panico, Claudio1 (AUTHOR) claudio.panico@unibocconi.it
Source: Academy of Management Review. Jul2024, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p562-578. 17p.
Subject Terms: *Value creation, *Teams in the workplace, *Cooperation, *Interprofessional relations, *Interorganizational relations, Incentive (Psychology), Reciprocity (Psychology)
10Academic Journal
Authors: Asencio, Raquel1 (AUTHOR) rqlasencio@gmail.com, Mesmer-Magnus, Jessica R.2 (AUTHOR) magnusj@uncw.edu, DeChurch, Leslie A.3 (AUTHOR) dechurch@northwestern.edu, Contractor, Noshir3 (AUTHOR) nosh@northwestern.edu
Source: Academy of Management Review. Jul2024, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p597-617. 21p.
Subject Terms: *Teams in the workplace, *Intergroup relations, Social interaction, Change (Psychology), Social boundaries, Social psychology, Goal (Psychology)
11Academic Journal
Authors: Tian, Tanya Y.1,2 (AUTHOR) yt2144@nyu.edu, Smith, Edward B.3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Administrative Science Quarterly. Sep2024, Vol. 69 Issue 3, p711-746. 36p.
Subject Terms: *Diversity in the workplace, *Employee retention, *Labor market, *Diversity & inclusion policies, Diversity in organizations, College teachers, Racial inequality, Higher education
Authors: Barr, Valerie1 (AUTHOR) vbarr@bard.edu, Brodley, Carla E.2 (AUTHOR), Pérez-Quiñones, Manuel3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Communications of the ACM. Jul2024, Vol. 67 Issue 7, p46-55. 10p.
Subject Terms: *Computer science, *Diversity in the workplace, *Demography, *Universities & colleges, Intersectionality, Graduation (Education)
Authors: LeStage, Gregory1 (AUTHOR), Nilsson DeHanas, Sara1 (AUTHOR), Gerend, Pete1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Harvard Business Review. Sep/Oct2024, Vol. 102 Issue 5, p56-62. 7p. 2 Cartoon or Caricatures.
Subject Terms: *Senior leadership teams, *Teams in the workplace, *Team building, *Group decision making, *Coworker relationships, *Work environment, *Organizational behavior, *Quality of work life, *Sociology of work
Authors: Keil, Thomas1 (AUTHOR), Zangrillo, Marianna2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Harvard Business Review. Sep/Oct2024, Vol. 102 Issue 5, p51-56. 6p. 1 Cartoon or Caricature.
Subject Terms: *Senior leadership teams, *Teams in the workplace, *Executives, *Chief executive officers, *Corporate governance, *Management, *Leadership, *Organizational performance, *Business performance measurement
Authors: Dawson, Angus1 (AUTHOR), George, Katy2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Harvard Business Review. Sep/Oct2024, Vol. 102 Issue 5, p44-50. 7p. 3 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *Teams in the workplace, *Innovations in business, *Job performance, *Continuous improvement process, *Business planning, Collective action, Measurement
Company/Entity: McKinsey & Co. Inc. 029900516
Authors: Toegel, Ginka1 (AUTHOR), Barsoux, Jean-Louis2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Harvard Business Review. Jul/Aug2024, Vol. 102 Issue 4, p147-151. 5p. 1 Chart, 3 Cartoon or Caricatures.
Subject Terms: *Industrial relations, *Teams in the workplace, *Favoritism (Personnel management), *Supervisors, Outgroups (Social groups), Ingroups (Social groups)
Source: TIME Magazine. 8/26/2024, Vol. 204 Issue 5/6, p72-75. 4p. 1 Color Photograph, 1 Black and White Photograph.
Subjects: AFRICAN American women, WORKPLACE romance, LIFE cycles (Biology), DESIGNER drugs, AFRICAN Americans
18Academic Journal
Authors: Ni, Dan1 nidan@mail.sysu.edu.cn, Wu, Shaoxue2 ericsxwu@hotmail.com, Zheng, Michelle Xue3 xzheng@ceibs.edu, Wu, Wen4 wuwen@bjtu.edu.cn
Source: Human Resource Management. May2024, Vol. 63 Issue 3, p377-395. 19p.
Subject Terms: *Teams in the workplace, *Diffusion of innovations, *Executives, *Resource allocation, *Research funding, *Professional identity, *Descriptive statistics, *Financial stress, Learning, Goal (Psychology), Creative ability, Factor analysis
19Academic Journal
Authors: Alfes, Kerstin1 (AUTHOR) kalfes@escp.eu, Tham, Tse Leng1 (AUTHOR) ttham@escp.eu, Pariona‐Cabrera, Patricia2 (AUTHOR) patricia.pariona¿cabrera@rmit.edu.au, Holland, Peter3 (AUTHOR) pjholland@swin.edu.au, Bartram, Timothy2 (AUTHOR) timothy.bartram@rmit.edu.au
Source: Human Resource Management. Jan2025, p1. 18p. 3 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *Personnel management, *Violence in the workplace, *Police, *Police brutality, Invective
Source: Harvard Business Review. Winter2024 Special Issue, p114-116. 3p. 1 Color Photograph.
Subject Terms: *Diversity in the workplace, *Diversity & inclusion policies, *Corporate culture, *Industrial relations, Individual differences