1Academic Journal
Authors: Mattungal, Vinaya S.1 (AUTHOR), Vanajakshi, Lelitha Devi1 (AUTHOR) lelitha@iitm.ac.in
Source: PLoS ONE. 2/21/2025, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p1-26. 26p.
Subject Terms: *QUEUING theory, *TIME delay estimation, *SIGNALIZED intersections, *EQUATIONS, *PASSENGERS
2Academic Journal
Authors: Osuna-Orozco, Rodrigo1 (AUTHOR) r.osuna.orozco@utexas.edu, Castillo, Edward1 (AUTHOR), Harris, Kameron Decker2 (AUTHOR), Santacruz, Samantha R.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: PLoS Computational Biology. 2/6/2025, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p1-26. 26p.
Subject Terms: *TIME delay estimation, *LINEAR systems, *TIME series analysis, *TIME-varying systems, *DYNAMICAL systems
3Academic Journal
Authors: Guedim, Souad1 (AUTHOR), Benkerrouche, Amar2 (AUTHOR), Sitthithakerngkiet, Kanokwan3 (AUTHOR) kanokwan.s@sci.kmutnb.ac.th, Souid, Mohammed Said4 (AUTHOR), Amara, Abdelkader1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Symmetry (20738994). Feb2025, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p295. 13p.
Subject Terms: *INITIAL value problems, *TIME delay systems, *MATHEMATICAL analysis, *DIFFERENTIAL equations, *DYNAMICAL systems
4Academic Journal
Source: Journal of Central China Normal University; Feb2025, Vol. 59 Issue 1, p125-134, 10p
5Academic Journal
Authors: Saminathan, Mohanapriya1 (AUTHOR), Kaliyaperumal, Deepa2 (AUTHOR), Ennappadam Ananthanarayanan, Gopalakrishnan1 (AUTHOR) ea_gopalakrishnan@blr.amrita.edu, Gupta, Deepa1 (AUTHOR), Reddy, Varikuti Sai Soumya2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Scientific Reports. 1/24/2025, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p1-20. 20p.
Subject Terms: *TIME delay systems, *LYAPUNOV stability, *MICROGRIDS
6Academic Journal
Authors: Zhang, Chao1 (AUTHOR) c-zhang84@zua.edu.cn, Chang, Xucheng1 (AUTHOR), Dai, Jun1 (AUTHOR), Chen, Zhiqiang1 (AUTHOR), Babanezhad, Manoochehr2 (AUTHOR) m.babanezhad@gu.ac.ir
Source: Scientific Reports. 1/13/2025, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p1-21. 21p.
Subject Terms: *DISTRIBUTION (Probability theory), *TIME delay systems, *FUZZY control systems, *APPLIED mathematics, *COMPUTATIONAL mathematics
7Academic Journal
Authors: Ge, Jing1 (AUTHOR), Li, Xiaoliang2 (AUTHOR) lixiaoliang@zafu.edu.cn, Du, Bo1 (AUTHOR) lixiaoliang@zafu.edu.cn, Wang, Tao1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Symmetry (20738994). Jan2025, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p86. 15p.
Subject Terms: *PREDATION, *TIME delay systems, *DISCRETE systems, *SYMMETRY, *PREDATORY animals
8Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Robust recoil control of deepwater drilling riser system with input time delay.
Source: Journal of China University of Petroleum. Dec2024, Vol. 48 Issue 6, p192-200. 9p.
Subject Terms: *Finite element method, Time delay systems, Linear matrix inequalities, State feedback (Feedback control systems), Robust control
9Academic Journal
Authors: Jayaram, Sabavath1 (AUTHOR), Venkatesan, Nithya1 (AUTHOR) nithya.v@vit.ac.in
Source: Scientific Reports. 12/30/2024, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p1-22. 22p.
Subject Terms: *TIME delay systems, *MATHEMATICAL optimization, *DESIGN techniques, *DEGREES of freedom, *NONLINEAR systems
10Academic Journal
Authors: Semenako, Janis1, janis.semenako@rtu.lv, Migla, Sandis1, Solovjova, Tatjana1, tatjana.solovjova@rtu.lv, Tihomorskis, Nikolajs1, Rubuls, Kristaps1, Cirjulina, Darja1, Spolitis, Sandis1, Aboltins, Arturs1
Source: Applied Sciences (2076-3417); Dec2024, Vol. 14 Issue 24, p11641, 23p
11Academic Journal
Authors: Luo, Wensheng1 (AUTHOR) wensheng.luo@hit.edu.cn, Zhang, Ruifang1 (AUTHOR) ruifang.zhang@stu.hit.edu.cn, Zhang, Jianwen1 (AUTHOR) 23b306001@stu.hit.edu.cn, Wu, Ligang1 (AUTHOR) ligangwu@hit.edu.cn, Vazquez, Sergio2 (AUTHOR) sergi@us.es, Franquelo, Leopoldo G.2 (AUTHOR) lgfranquelo@us.es
Source: Energies (19961073). Dec2024, Vol. 17 Issue 23, p6142. 16p.
Subject Terms: *TIME delay systems, *STOCHASTIC systems, *STOCHASTIC models, *THERMODYNAMIC control, *FUNCTIONALS
12Academic Journal
Authors: Wang, Ying1,2 (AUTHOR) wangying01@mail.lzjtu.cn, Wang, Yixuan1 (AUTHOR) 12221553@stu.lzjtu.edu.cn, Chen, Xiaoqiang1,2 (AUTHOR) 12221546@stu.lzjtu.edu.cn, Wang, Yuting1 (AUTHOR), Ma, Aiping3 (AUTHOR) 15107065049@163.com
Source: Sensors (14248220). Nov2024, Vol. 24 Issue 22, p7350. 21p.
Subject Terms: *TIME delay systems, *PANTOGRAPH, *MOVING average process, *CATENARY, *ACTUATORS
13Academic Journal
Authors: Iben Ammar, Imen1 (AUTHOR), Gassara, Hamdi2 (AUTHOR), Rhaima, Mohamed3 (AUTHOR), Mchiri, Lassaad4 (AUTHOR), Ben Makhlouf, Abdellatif5 (AUTHOR) abdellatif.benmakhlouf@fss.usf.tn, Shen, Mouquan (AUTHOR)
Source: Discrete Dynamics in Nature & Society. 11/4/2024, Vol. 2024, p1-13. 13p.
Subject Terms: *TIME delay systems, *POLYNOMIAL time algorithms, *FUZZY systems, *POLYNOMIALS
14Academic Journal
Authors: Yang, Jin1,2 (AUTHOR) yangjin@njrts.edu.cn, Gao, Wenke3 (AUTHOR) gaowenke@sztu.edu.cn
Source: Symmetry (20738994). Nov2024, Vol. 16 Issue 11, p1417. 15p.
Subject Terms: *FUZZY control systems, *TIME delay systems, *MEMBERSHIP functions (Fuzzy logic), *FUZZY systems
15Academic Journal
Authors: Kumar, B Nidheesh1,2 (AUTHOR) nidheesh_kumar@vssc.gov.in, Kumar, M C Santhosh2 (AUTHOR) santhoshmc@nitt.edu, Latha, A Mercy3 (AUTHOR), Aroliveetil, Sachinlal4 (AUTHOR), Nallaperumal, M1 (AUTHOR), Balasubramaniam, Krishnan4 (AUTHOR), Remakanthan, S1 (AUTHOR), Moideenkutty, K K1 (AUTHOR), Nair, Shyam S1 (AUTHOR), Mohan Kumar, L1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Nondestructive Testing & Evaluation. Nov2024, Vol. 39 Issue 7, p1869-1885. 17p.
Subject Terms: *TERAHERTZ time-domain spectroscopy, *TIME delay estimation, *METAL coating, *REFLECTANCE spectroscopy, *REFRACTIVE index, *TERAHERTZ spectroscopy
16Academic Journal
Authors: Dwivedi, Skand1 dwivediskand@gmail.com, Verma, Ahana1 ahanaverma67@gmail.com, Arora, Maninder Singh1 manindersingharora_kn04@csjmu.ac.in, Sundart, Shyam2 ssmishra15@gmail.com, Singh, Brijendra Krishna3 brijendra.singh1@sharda.ac.in
Source: Nonlinear Studies. 2024, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p1149-1175. 28p.
Subject Terms: *TIME delay systems, *INFORMATION dissemination, *DIFFUSION of innovations, *STABILITY theory, *DIFFERENTIAL equations
17Academic Journal
Authors: Gassara, Hamdi1 (AUTHOR) hamdi.gassara@enis.tn, Tlija, Mehdi2 (AUTHOR) mtlija@ksu.edu.sa, Mchiri, Lassaad3 (AUTHOR) lassaad.mchiri@u-paris2.fr, Ben Makhlouf, Abdellatif4 (AUTHOR) abdellatif.benmakhlouf@fss.usf.tn
Source: Symmetry (20738994). Oct2024, Vol. 16 Issue 10, p1344. 13p.
Subject Terms: *TIME delay systems, *CAPUTO fractional derivatives, *LINEAR matrix inequalities, *LARGE deviations (Mathematics), *PENDULUMS, *CONSERVATISM
18Academic Journal
Authors: GÖZÜOĞLU, Abdulkadir1, ÖZGÖNENEL, Okan2 okanoz@omu.edu.tr, GEZEGİN, Cenk2
Source: Sigma: Journal of Engineering & Natural Sciences / Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. Oct2024, Vol. 42 Issue 5, p1628-1645. 18p.
Subject Terms: *CONVOLUTIONAL neural networks, *TIME delay systems, *ENERGY demand management, *CONSUMPTION (Economics), *SMART homes, *SMART devices
19Academic Journal
Source: Electric Machines & Control / Dianji Yu Kongzhi Xuebao; Oct2024, Vol. 28 Issue 10, p1-12, 12p
20Academic Journal
Authors: Yu, Peng1,2 (AUTHOR), Zhang, Xueyi1,2 (AUTHOR), Jia, Ruizhe1,2 (AUTHOR), Dong, Qian3 (AUTHOR), Guo, Jin1,2 (AUTHOR) guojin@ustb.edu.cn
Source: International Journal of Systems Science. Jan2025, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p183-192. 10p.
Subject Terms: *Cyber physical systems, Time delay estimation, Time delay systems, Resilient design, Computer simulation