1Academic Journal
Authors: Kim, Byeongmok1 (AUTHOR) kim3453@purdue.edu, Kim, Yonggab1 (AUTHOR), Lee, Seokcheon1 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Feb2025, Vol. 63 Issue 4, p1372-1398. 27p.
Subject Terms: *Artificial neural networks, *Artificial intelligence, *Materials handling, Autonomous robots, Mobile robots
2Academic Journal
Authors: Cui, Feng1 (AUTHOR), Jiang, Zhibin1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Zhou, Xin1 (AUTHOR), Zheng, Junli2,3 (AUTHOR), Geng, Na2,3 (AUTHOR) gengna@sjtu.edu.cn
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Feb2025, Vol. 63 Issue 3, p970-991. 22p.
Subject Terms: *Column generation (Algorithms), *Inventory costs, Graph neural networks, Structural optimization, Stochastic programming
3Academic Journal
A hybrid ANN-MILP model for agile recovery production planning for PPE products under sharp demands.
Authors: Babazadeh, Reza1 (AUTHOR) r.babazadeh@urmia.ac.ir, Taraghi Nazloo, Hanieh1 (AUTHOR), Kamran, Mehdi A.2 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Jan2025, Vol. 63 Issue 2, p758-778. 21p.
Subject Terms: *Artificial neural networks, *Production planning, *Mathematical programming, *Mathematical optimization, *Artificial intelligence
4Academic Journal
Authors: Huang, Hai-nan1 (AUTHOR), Qu, Ting1 (AUTHOR) quting@jnu.edu.cn, Qiu, Xiao-hui1 (AUTHOR), Ma, Lin1,2 (AUTHOR), Nie, Duxian3 (AUTHOR), Li, Congdong1 (AUTHOR), Huang, George Q.1,2,4 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Jan2025, p1-23. 23p. 10 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *Technological innovations, *Supply chains, *Information storage & retrieval systems, *Information architecture, Graph neural networks
5Academic Journal
Authors: Wang, Jianfei1 (AUTHOR) wangjianfei9@126.com, Zhou, Lina2 (AUTHOR) lzhou8@charlotte.edu, Jiang, Cuiqing1,3 (AUTHOR) jiangcuiq2017@163.com, Wang, Zhao1,4 (AUTHOR) xcwangzhao@163.com
Source: Journal of Management Information Systems. 2025, Vol. 42 Issue 1, p105-142. 38p.
Subject Terms: *Decision support systems, *Credit risk, *Artificial intelligence, *Recommender systems, Graph neural networks
6Academic Journal
Authors: Xia, Yu1, xiayuyui@csu.edu.cn, Zheng, Guangji1, Li, Ye1, Liu, Hui1, csuliuhui@csu.edu.cn
Source: Applied Sciences (2076-3417); Feb2025, Vol. 15 Issue 4, p2058, 24p
7Academic Journal
Authors: Liang, Dingge1,2, dinggeliang@gmail.com, Li, Junliang2, Yin, Junping1,2,3, yinjp829829@126.com
Source: Applied Sciences (2076-3417); Feb2025, Vol. 15 Issue 4, p1723, 20p
8Academic Journal
Authors: Liu, Kai1,2, 622230830024@mails.cqjtu.edu.cnyangyang87@crecg.com, Ren, Tao1,2, 622220070018@mails.cqjtu.edu.cnrentao3@crecg.com, Lan, Zhangli1, rentao3@crecg.com, Yang, Yang2, Liu, Rong3, cqjtu_liurong@cqjtu.edu.cn, Xu, Yuantong1
Source: Buildings (2075-5309); Jan2025, Vol. 15 Issue 2, p197, 17p
9Academic Journal
Authors: YONG JIN1, 21051048@zju.edu.cn, YANG-HUA GAO1, WEI-DONG LOU1, ZE-LIANG ZHEN2, gaoyh@zjtobacco.com, SHENG-DUO GAN2, lotrwd@zjtobacco.com
Source: Journal of Information Science & Engineering; Jan2025, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p155-171, 17p
10Academic Journal
Authors: Celard, Pedro1, pedro.celard.perez@uvigo.gal, Iglesias, Eva Lorenzo1, eva@uvigo.gal, Sorribes-Fernández, Jose Manuel1, sorribes@uvigo.gal, Borrajo, Lourdes1, lborrajo@uvigo.gal, Vieira, Adrián Seara1, adrseara@uvigo.gal
Source: ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications & Applications; Jan2025, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p1-23, 23p
Authors: Thomson, Helen (AUTHOR)
Source: New Scientist. 1/18/2025, Vol. 265 Issue 3526, p36-39. 4p. 4 Color Photographs.
Subjects: CONTROL (Psychology), VAGUS nerve stimulation, EXECUTIVE function, MENTAL health, QUALITY of life, VAGUS nerve, NEURAL stimulation, PARASYMPATHETIC nervous system
12Academic Journal
Authors: Tu, Yuchun1 (AUTHOR), Li, Wenxin1 (AUTHOR), Song, Xiao1 (AUTHOR), Gong, Kaiqi1 (AUTHOR) ZB2039102@buaa.edu.cn, Liu, Lu2 (AUTHOR), Qin, Yunhao1 (AUTHOR), Liu, Songsong1 (AUTHOR), Liu, Ming1 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Dec2024, Vol. 62 Issue 24, p8595-8608. 14p.
Subject Terms: *Supply chain disruptions, *Recommender systems, *Division of labor, Graph neural networks, Knowledge graphs
13Academic Journal
Authors: Shin, Woo-Jin1 (AUTHOR), Lee, Sang-Wook1 (AUTHOR), Lee, Jun-Ho2 (AUTHOR), Song, Min-Ho3 (AUTHOR), Kim, Hyun-Jung1 (AUTHOR) hyunjungkim@kaist.ac.kr
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Dec2024, p1-22. 22p. 14 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *Artificial neural networks, *Artificial intelligence, *Integer programming, *Flow shops, Training of engineers
14Academic Journal
Authors: Zhang, Chao1 (AUTHOR), Jing, Yanzhen1 (AUTHOR), Zhou, Guanghui1 (AUTHOR) ghzhou@mail.xjtu.edu.cn, Yan, Hairui1 (AUTHOR), Chang, Fengtian2 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Dec2024, p1-17. 17p. 11 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *Systems engineering, Graph neural networks, Deep learning, Knowledge graphs, Detection algorithms
15Academic Journal
Authors: Qiu, Jiaqi1,2 (AUTHOR) j.qiu@uva.nl, Lin, Yu1,3 (AUTHOR), Zwetsloot, Inez M.1,2 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Oct2024, p1-16. 16p. 10 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *Quality control charts, *Forecasting, Recurrent neural networks, Deep learning, Detectors
16Academic Journal
Authors: Ben Hamida, Amal1,2 (AUTHOR) amal.ben-hamida@etu.univ-lyon1.fr, Kacem, Manel2 (AUTHOR), de Peretti, Christian1,3 (AUTHOR), Belkacem, Lotfi2 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Market Research. Nov2024, Vol. 66 Issue 6, p810-831. 22p.
Subject Terms: *Artificial neural networks, *Insurance companies, *Insurance policies, *Health insurance, Machine learning
17Academic Journal
Authors: Huh, Jisu (AUTHOR) jhuh@umn.edu, Nelson, Michelle R. (AUTHOR), Russell, Cristel Antonia (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Advertising. Oct-Dec2024, Vol. 53 Issue 5, p639-643. 5p.
Subject Terms: *Artificial neural networks, *Influencer marketing, *Word of mouth advertising, *Location marketing, Generative artificial intelligence, Social media, Online social networks
18Academic Journal
Authors: Heshuai Shen1, 13598062519@163.com
Source: KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems; Nov2024, Vol. 18 Issue 11, p3129-3147, 19p
19Academic Journal
Authors: Li, Xin1, Tang, Guoqiang1, tanggq@glut.edu.cn
Source: Multimedia Tools & Applications; Oct2024, Vol. 83 Issue 35, p83493-83511, 19p
Authors: Turner, Jack1 (AUTHOR) jack.turner@ed.ac.uk, Crowley, Elliot J.1 (AUTHOR) elliot.j.crowley@ed.ac.uk, O'Boyle, Michael F.P.1 (AUTHOR) mob@inf.ed.ac.uk
Source: Communications of the ACM. Oct2024, Vol. 67 Issue 10, p92-100. 9p.
Subject Terms: *Artificial neural networks, *Systems design, Program transformation, Mathematical convolutions, Convolutional neural networks, Deep learning