Contributors: Stankovic, Milan, Baptista, Paula, Carillo, Petronia
Subject Terms: Secale cereale, Secale montanum, Secale strictum, QTL mapping, molecular marker, self-incompatibility, fertility, seed set, abiotic stress, cell homeostasis, heterologous host synthetic approach, terpenophenolics, brown spot, ACT, fungus culture filtrate, mycotoxin, fruit development, fruit gauge, VPD, Mangifera indica, cell division, cell expansion, ripening, pulegone, isomenthone, menthone, thymol, p-cymene, chemotypes, seasonal variation, enantiomeric distribution, label-free proteomics, Panax ginseng, ginsenosides, cytochrome p450, UDP-glycosyltransferase, MEP pathway, MVA pathway, TCA/acetone, methanol/chloroform, endophytes, foliar pathogens, pathogenicity, taxonomy, Thymus vulgaris, Crithmum maritimum, leather artifacts, essential oils, anti-bacterial activity, Euphorbia dendroides L., aerial parts, polyphenols, antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory activity, toxicity, calcium oxalate crystals, colleter, extrafloral nectaries, resin gland, bud protection, plant-environment interaction, carbohydrate metabolism, microarray, crop, rice, productivity, endosperm, geometry, morphology, seed shape, Vitaceae, exDNA, environmental DNA, DNA sensing, self-DNA inhibition, autotoxicity, plant response, DAMP, PAMP, EDAP, climate change, food security, Mediterranean countries, sustainable exploitation, phytogenetic resources, candidate gene, quantitative trait locus, recombinant inbred line, soybean drought tolerance, weighted drought coefficient, antioxidants, biostimulants, biotic stress, GABA, metabolism, phytohormones, reactive oxygen species, signaling, tricarboxylic acid cycle, bacterial functions, co-presence networks, metagenomics, microbial ecology, plant domestication, trace element, plant nutrient, salinity, antioxidant defense system, glyoxalase system, biochar, licorice, soil enzymes, nutrients, root system, ALS, BCAA, low oxygen, flooding, AIP1, Eucommia ulmoides Oliver, trait variations, probability grading, quantitative traits, planting models, leaves, cytokinin, TD-K, thidiazuron, INCYDE, CPPU, isopentenyl transferase, IPT, cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase, CKX, wheat, barley, yield, cucumber, QTL-seq, SNP markers, white immature fruit skin color, ecological costs, germination models, herbicide resistance, hydrotime, target-site resistance, hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, generalized regression neural network, genetic algorithm, scarification, seed dormancy, plant tissue culture, foliar descriptors, leaf area, models, vine leaves, Olea europaea L., olive, genotype by sequencing (GBS), single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), whole-genome sequencing (WGS), reference genome, plastid markers, DNA barcoding, ISSR markers, Egyptian barley, agro-morphological traits, cluster analysis, genetic variation, biplot, drought stress, drying processes, mathematical model, plant hydric stress tolerance, rate of weight loss, RWLMod, water evaporation, photosynthesis, elevated CO2, Rubisco, electron transport, light, diurnal cycle, sexual propagation, cold stratification, in situ, ex situ, plant endemism, Morocco, biodiversity, ex-situ conservation, protocols, germplasm, forest berries, brushing, lettuce, chicory, phytochemicals, antioxidant capacity, Ziziphus lotus, phenolics, SH-SY5Y cell line, chromatography, Koelreuteria paniculata, dry ethanol extracts, GC-MS analysis, chemical compounds, antitumor and antimicrobial activities, medicinal plant, bioactive compounds, plant-derived secondary metabolites (PDSM), cell suspension culture (CSC), bioreactor engineering, apple, Golden Delicious, Top Red, fruitlet thinners, light reactions, electron transport rate, photoprotective mechanism, state transitions, PSII repair cycle, vegetation structure, environmental variables, PC-ORD, plant community assembly, Himalaya, allopolyploidy, interspecific hybridization, unreduced gametes, cytological diploidization, genomic changes, root length, root/shoot ratio, specific root length, Saragolle Lucana, seed coating, heavy metals, evolution, hyperaccumulation, black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa), anthocyanin stability, herbs, co-pigmentation, color stability, functional foods/beverages, biotechnological tools, ethnomedicine, in vitro culture, genetic improvement, pollen, tip growth, calcium, calcium dependent protein kinase, Rho Guanine Dissociation Inhibitor, ROP GTPase, RhoGDI displacement factor, polarity, guar, gene expression, qRT-PCR, RNA-Seq, salt stress, salt tolerance, stress, transcriptome, D-tagatose, IFP48, induced resistance, sweet immunity, sugar-enhanced defense, Plasmopara viticola, Botrytis cinerea, Vitis vinifera, human diet, edible wild plants, Plantago coronopus L., Rumex acetosa L., Cichorium intybus L., Artemisia dracunculus L., phytochemistry, anti-inflammatory properties, stem photosynthesis, hydraulic recovery, soaking, X-ray micro-CT, bark water uptake, embolism, genetic resources, Solanaceae, Cucumis, Lactuca, diversity, vegetables, genebank, essential oil, iNOS, interleukin, lavenders, NF-κB, glycosyltransferases, ER-Golgi trafficking, mechanism of protein sorting, COPI and COPII complexes, sequences and motifs involved in trafficking, Arabidopsis, gene regulation, protein-protein interaction, transcription factor, WRI1, TCP20, lipases, lipid metabolism, plant-environment interactions, reproductive development, vegetative development, Urtica dioica, soilless systems, cultivated nettle, stress factors, functional properties, preharvest sprouting, MKK3, maternal and paternal expressed genes, imprinted genes, polycomb repressive complex 2, mRNA processing bodies, ribonucleic binding proteins, monosomes, ethylene, elicitors, fruit ripening, ACC synthase/oxidase, GC-MS, polyamines, Vigna genus, introgression, hybridisation, phylogeny, de novo domestication, feralisation, novel ecosystems, complex networks, tree communities, Lantana camara, Prosopis juliflora, ascorbic acid, genetic diversity, molecular markers, aquaculture pond sediment, recovery, Triticum aestivum, chlorophyll fluorescence, wheat grass juice quality, UV-B radiation, olive tree, metabolomic, phenolic profile, lipophilic profile, ecophysiology, environment, arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, comparative transcriptomics, Arum-type, Paris-type, Solanum lycopersicum, Rhizophagus irregularis, Gigaspora margarita, Camelina sativa, semi-arid lands, biofuel feedstock, biodiesel, renewable diesel, crop breeding, transgenesis, genome editing, Xanthomonas euvesicatoria, host associate factor, comparative genomics, Cannabis sativa L., chemovars, secondary metabolites, trichomes, residual by-products, biogeography, cardioid, islands, geometric models, Mediterranean flora, Silene, super-ellipse, abscisic acid, aromatic herb, ascorbate-glutathione cycle, jasmonic acid, lipoic acid, oxidative stress, salicylic acid, Salvia officinalis, drought, state of stress, tolerance, avoidance, stress survival, amino acids, nitrate reductase, glutamine synthetase, plants mycorrhized, dark septate, Daphne genkwa, Thymelaeaceae, flavonoids, design of experiments, blooming stages, germination stimulant, witchweed, methyl phenlactonoates (MPs), Nijmegen-1, weed, plant development, vasculature, leaf traces, structure, microtomography, Euphorbiaceae, in vitro crop, gamma radiation, ionizing radiation, mutants, Fumaria scheleicheri Soy. Will., isoquinoline alkaloids, HPLC-DAD, in vitro anti-cholinesterase, cytotoxic, antioxidant, ABC model, hop, transcription factors, type-II MADS box, type-I MADS-box, AFLP, carpological traits, genetic structure, molecular systematics, plastid phylogeny, Valerianaceae, auxins, embryogenic calli, HPLC, IAA, immunohistochemistry, deficit irrigation, grape quality, phenology, plant diseases, bacterium, symptoms, molecular classification, common juniper, common larch, Cupressaceae, Pinaceae, SPME-GC-MS, volatile compounds, herbicidal activity, weed control, trait association, GCV, genetic variability, genetic advance, heritability, PCV, Cicer arietinum L., gold nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, machine learning techniques, principal component analysis, support vector machine classification, citrus, melanose, Diaporthe citri, epidemiology, symptomatology, Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis, resistance-nodulation-cell division transporter, type-three secretion system, phytoalexin, brassinin, glucosinolate, cabbage, flowering, juvenile traits, genetic stability, flow cytometry, somaclonal variation, thorniness, carbohydrates, protein, lipids, fatty acids, minerals, plastome, Plicosepalus acaciae, Plicosepalus curviflorus, loranthaceae, mistletoe, phylogenetic relationship, plastome structure, comparative analysis, magnetic resonance imaging, Solanum tuberosum, multi-exponential transverse relaxation, water stress, broccoli, human nutrition, improved health, melatonin, postharvest, apricot, pollen tube, pollination, Prunus armeniaca, S-alleles, Populus, hexokinase, sucrose metabolism, sugar signaling, stress and defense, centres of origin, crop wild relatives, crop domestication, cryopreservation, conservation, in vitro storage, ecosystem restoration, plant breeding, acidification, alkalinisation, bud burst, freezing, Malus domestica, pH, Picea abies, Pinus cembra, histone modification, Taraxacum kok-saghyz, natural rubber, high light stress, singlet oxygen, signalling, GPX5, beta cyclocitral, acrolein, glutathione peroxidase, carbonyl, transcription, SLIM1 transcription factor, sulfur deficiency, Arabidopsis thaliana, sulfate transporter, sulfate assimilation, stress tolerance, LRR-RLK receptors, dodders, parasitic plants, proteomics, virus vertical transmission, CMV-Fny strain, pseudorecombinant virus, chimeric virus, infection rate, seed-growth tests, electron microscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy, viral assembly, Adiantetea capilli-veneris, demographic analysis, ecology, IUCN, plant conservation, phytosociology, rupicolous habitat, Research and information: general, Biology, life sciences
File Description: application/octet-stream
2Academic Journal
Authors: Ghina Hajjar, Stéphane Quellec, Sylvain Challois, Lydia Bousset-Vaslin, Gisèle Joly, Christophe Langrume, Carole Deleu, Laurent Leport, Maja Musse
Source: Plants, Vol 11, Iss 15, p 1918 (2022)
Subject Terms: magnetic resonance imaging, Solanum tuberosum, multi-exponential transverse relaxation, water stress, Botany, QK1-989
File Description: electronic resource