Authors: Zhigang, Huang, Shan, Zhang, Limin, Wang
Source: 2023 International Conference on Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics (ICTEI) ICTEI Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics (ICTEI), 2023 International Conference on. :419-427 Sep, 2023
Relation: 2023 International Conference on Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics (ICTEI)
Contributors: Liu, Bin, Liu, Kun, Li, Chenfeng
Subject Terms: floating, pontoon, AUTODYN, blast, mitigation, modeling, plastic deformation, steel catenary risers, touchdown zone, dynamic loading tests, vector form intrinsic finite element method, riser–seabed interaction, dynamic failure, dynamic ultimate strength, box girder, bending moment, low-frequency broadband sound absorption, air cavity, cylindrical oscillator, honeycomb, cruciform, ship’s collision and grounding, model experiment, numerical simulation, analytical method, level ice, ship-ice interaction, PD-FEM coupling approach, ice-breaking process, ice load, bearing characteristics, gravity anchor, clay, V-H failure envelope curve, constitutive model, low temperature, cowper-symonds, strain rate, dynamic behaviour, ductile fracture, shell element, fracture prediction, impact, collision, floating structure, CFD-FEA, hydroelasticity, nonlinear wave loads, inflated structure, composite fabric membrane, fluid cavity model, model test, bending stiffness, ultimate strength, codend, simulated catch, resistance characteristics, oscillation characteristics, fire resistance test, temperature distribution, structural deformation, cruise ships, superstructure, stiffness step, experimental analysis, structural response, ship collision, crashworthiness optimization, surrogate model, multi-working conditions, spatial CHS KK-joints, hot spot stress (HSS), multi-planar interaction, stress concentration factor (SCF), low cycle fatigue, crack growth, cracked plate, experimental study, structure-ice collision, FEM-ALE, submarines, ice resistance, floating ice condition, floating offshore structure, fatigue damage assessment, lumping block equivalent method, wave energy equivalence, mooring system, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes, Technology: general issues, Engineering: general
File Description: application/octet-stream
3Academic Journal
Authors: Jinlong Zhang, Jianing Zhang, Lei Zhang, Weimin Chen, Qingshan Zhang
Source: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol 13, Iss 1, p 145 (2025)
Subject Terms: CFD-DEM model, ice resistance, propeller rotation speed, self-propulsion, model test, delivered power forecast, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989, Oceanography, GC1-1581
File Description: electronic resource
4Academic Journal
Authors: Chenyan Zhou, Ling Chen, Lijun Ma, Jie Yang, Jianing Zhang
Source: Results in Engineering, Vol 23, Iss , Pp 102735- (2024)
Subject Terms: Wind turbine, CFD-DEM, Ice-breaking cone, Ice resistance performance, Brash ice, Technology
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590123024009903; https://doaj.org/toc/2590-1230
5Academic Journal
Source: Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue xuebao, Vol 58, Iss 2, Pp 156-165 (2024)
Subject Terms: ice resistance, machine learning, radial basis function (rbf) neural network, genetic algorithm (ga), ship test, Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General), TA1-2040, Chemical engineering, TP155-156, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989
File Description: electronic resource
Contributors: Guedes Soares, Carlos, Sutulo, Serge
Subject Terms: bow configuration, level ice, ice resistance, sensitivity analysis, integrated evaluation, manoeuvrability standards, standardizing methodology, EEDI, influence of wind and sea waves, controllability in wind, ship aerodynamic characteristics, rudder hydrodynamics, mesh properties, mesh independence, computational fluid dynamics, damaged ship, progressive flooding, random forests, database generation, decision support system, wave-induced ship motions, steady wave force and moment, inertia effects, RANS, OpenFOAM, aerodynamic loads, CFD, scale-effect, patrol vessel, turbulence model dependency, bulk carrier, propeller cup, fuel consumption, decarbonization, weather condition, cavitation, floating structure, solitary wave, semi-analytical solution, Boussinesq equations, OceanWave3D, mitigation, roughness, hub vortex cavitation, 3D hydrodynamic analysis, resonance, floating polygonal structures, wave energy harvesting, cosine-type radial perturbation, eigenfunction expansion method, marine propulsion shafting, longitudinal vibration, friction damper, thrust bearing, test rig, parameter identification, nonlinear system, rolling motion, angle of roll, waves, dynamic conditions, capsizing, vessels, operability, contra-rotating propeller, cupping CRP, pure roll simulation, small metacentric height, surface ship, bilge keel, skeg, catamaran, roll-related derivatives, unmanned surface vehicle, deep reinforcement learning, parameter tuning, path-following control, wave-making resistance, shallow water, form factor, double-body, wave interference, URANS, Karhunen–Loève transform, hull form optimization, dimensionality reduction reconstruction method, Technology: general issues, History of engineering and technology
File Description: image/jpeg
Contributors: Li, Zhijun, Kolerski, Tomasz, Zhou, Li, Shi, Xiaohong, Zhang, Zhengyong, Li, Fang
Subject Terms: level ice, ice resistance, probability distribution, polar ship, circumferential crack method, ice phenology, Eurasia, analytical model, climate, altitude, spatial statistics, glacier resources, glacier inventory, climate change, topography, Xinjiang, polar ships, propeller, ice blockage, cavitation effect, EFD-CFD, Manas river basin, Kaidu river basin, glacier mass balance, Geographical detector, attribution analysis, arctic oil and gas resources, Kulluk platform, mooring system, ice load, ice-structure interaction, sea ice, fresh-water ice, parametrization scheme, melting rate, laboratory study, unmanned aerial vehicles, SIFT algorithm, brutal force matching, RANSAC algorithm, ice velocity, blasting under ice, dynamic simulation, blasting volume, parameter analysis, collaborative bearing capacity, analytic hierarchy process, SD model, simulation prediction, Ulan Suhai Lake, lake, wetlands, optical satellite data, cloud, Wuliangsu Lake, ship ice accumulation, sea spray, marine structures, SPH-FEM coupling method, distilled water ice, uniaxial compressive strength, growth temperature of ice, strain rate, grain size, ice core, fabric, microstructure, glacial shear margin, Dalk Glacier, river ice, thickness, GPR, temperature, Yellow River, water resources from melted glaciers, lake ice phenology, ice properties, ice engineering, ecosystem under lake ice, Technology: general issues, History of engineering and technology
File Description: application/octet-stream
Contributors: Semenov, Yuriy
Subject Terms: vortex-induced vibration, higher mode, flexible pipe, oscillatory flow, motion trajectory, lock-in, dominant frequency, time-varying, lifeboat, freefall, ship motion, Kane’s method, one-way coupling, CFD-DEM, ice resistance, ice crack, fluid–structure interaction, flexible beam, high speed imaging, system coupling, coastal structure, fluid-structure interaction, engineering design parameters, environment protection, intake velocity, velocity cap, axial hydraulic force, stress, deformation, pump turbine, starting-up, cutting ratio, codend, hydrodynamic characteristics, fluttering motions, the Fourier series, marine centrifugal pump, vibration excitation source, fluid excitation, electromagnetic excitation, numerical simulation, OpenFOAM, one-way approach, structural analysis, open water test, computational fluid dynamics, numerical analysis, fluid mechanics, blade design, propeller, hydraulic machinery runner, wet modal analysis, acoustic–structure coupling, boundary condition, marine growth, hydrodynamic loading, roughness, mussels, morison coefficients, cavity detachment, free streamlines, Brillouin criterion, Technology: general issues, History of engineering and technology
File Description: image/jpeg
9Academic Journal
Authors: Xing ZHENG, Zhizong TIAN, Zhigang XIE, Ningbo ZHANG
Source: Zhongguo Jianchuan Yanjiu, Vol 17, Iss 3, Pp 49-57 (2022)
Subject Terms: yellow river ice breaker, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (sph), ice resistance, numerical simulation, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1673-3185
10Academic Journal
Authors: Rui CHEN, Wugang HUANG, Xiaolu CHEN, Meize KANG
Source: Zhongguo Jianchuan Yanjiu, Vol 16, Iss 5, Pp 101-108 (2021)
Subject Terms: cohesive element method, ice resistance, empirical formula method, numerical simulation, model test, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1673-3185
11Academic Journal
Authors: Zhongyu Chen, Weidong Zhao, Zhanyang Chen, Guoqing Feng, Huilong Ren, Hongbin Gui
Source: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol 11, Iss 8, p 1560 (2023)
Subject Terms: structure-ice collision, FEM-ALE, submarines, ice resistance, floating ice condition, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989, Oceanography, GC1-1581
File Description: electronic resource
12Academic Journal
Authors: Li Zhou, Qianyang Sun, Shifeng Ding, Sen Han, Aimin Wang
Source: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol 11, Iss 7, p 1381 (2023)
Subject Terms: propulsion power, artificial neural network, ice resistance, polar ship, machine learning, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989, Oceanography, GC1-1581
File Description: electronic resource
13Academic Journal
Authors: Jianqiao Sun, Yan Huang
Source: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol 11, Iss 8, p 1518 (2023)
Subject Terms: ice resistance, non-icebreaking bow, model test, ice load, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989, Oceanography, GC1-1581
File Description: electronic resource
14Academic Journal
Authors: Chang Xie, Li Zhou, Tiecheng Wu, Renwei Liu, Sijie Zheng, Vladimir G. Tsuprik, Alexander Bekker
Source: Frontiers in Energy Research, Vol 10 (2022)
Subject Terms: discrete element method (DEM), CFD and DEM coupling, numerical simulation, brash ice resistance, brash ice channel width, General Works
File Description: electronic resource
15Academic Journal
Authors: Zhiyuan Li, Li Ding, Luofeng Huang, Jonas W. Ringsberg, Hui Gong, Nicolas Fournier, Zhenju Chuang
Source: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol 11, Iss 4, p 711 (2023)
Subject Terms: arctic shipping, Northern Sea Route, cost–benefit analysis, Weather and Ice Forecast Models, ice resistance, simulation, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989, Oceanography, GC1-1581
File Description: electronic resource
16Academic Journal
Authors: Bao-Yu Ni, Hongyu Wei, Zhiyuan Li, Bin Fang, Yanzhuo Xue
Source: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol 10, Iss 9, p 1201 (2022)
Subject Terms: air-bubble system, floe ice field, ice resistance, numerical simulation, coupled CFD-DEM, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989, Oceanography, GC1-1581
File Description: electronic resource
17Academic Journal
Source: Zhongguo Jianchuan Yanjiu, Vol 13, Iss 1, Pp 73-78 (2018)
Subject Terms: ice ship, crushed ice, ice resistance, motion response, discrete element method, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989
File Description: electronic resource
18Academic Journal
Source: International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Vol 8, Iss 2, Pp 169-176 (2016)
Subject Terms: Level ice resistance, Channel ice resistance, Model test data, Icebreaking vessels, Ocean engineering, TC1501-1800, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2092678215300133; https://doaj.org/toc/2092-6782
19Academic Journal
Source: International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Vol 7, Iss 3, Pp 626-639 (2015)
Subject Terms: Ice resistance, Ice resistance formulas, Model test data, Icebreaking vessels, Ocean engineering, TC1501-1800, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989
File Description: electronic resource
20Academic Journal
Authors: Jiangjie Jin, Li Zhou, Shifeng Ding, Yingjie Gu
Source: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol 9, Iss 9, p 928 (2021)
Subject Terms: hovercraft, icebreaking force, numerical simulation, model test, ice resistance, Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering, VM1-989, Oceanography, GC1-1581
File Description: electronic resource