1Academic Journal
Authors: Wang, Pengzhao1 (AUTHOR), Li, Shuqi1 (AUTHOR), Li, Xueying1 (AUTHOR), Yang, Fan1 (AUTHOR) jyma@lps.ecnu.edu.cn, Hu, Zhubin1 (AUTHOR), Yang, Yan1 (AUTHOR), Ma, Junyang1 (AUTHOR), Sun, Zhenrong1 (AUTHOR) zrsun@phy.ecnu.edu.cn
Source: Journal of Chemical Physics. 2/14/2025, Vol. 162 Issue 6, p1-7. 7p.
Subject Terms: *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *FORMIC acid, *LASER pulses, *HYDROXYL group, *FORMYL radicals
2Academic Journal
Authors: Nuter, R.1 (AUTHOR) rachel.nuter@cea.fr, Karimbana Kandy, A.2 (AUTHOR), Gallais, L.2 (AUTHOR), Grosjean, S.1 (AUTHOR), Lamaignère, L.1 (AUTHOR), Wagner, F.2 (AUTHOR), Natoli, J.-Y.2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Applied Physics. 1/14/2025, Vol. 137 Issue 2, p1-9. 9p.
Subject Terms: *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *ULTRAVIOLET lasers, *LASER damage, *LINEAR polarization, *INFRARED lasers, *PHOTOIONIZATION
3Academic Journal
Authors: Marčiulionytė, Vaida1 (AUTHOR), Tamošauskas, Gintaras1 (AUTHOR), Šutovas, Matas1 (AUTHOR), Dubietis, Audrius1 (AUTHOR) audrius.dubietis@ff.vu.lt
Source: Scientific Reports. 1/4/2025, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p1-10. 10p.
4Academic Journal
Authors: Lafargue, Manon1,2 (AUTHOR) manon.lafargue@u-bordeaux.fr, Guilberteau, Théo1,3 (AUTHOR), Balage, Pierre1 (AUTHOR), Gavory, Bastien2 (AUTHOR), Lopez, John1 (AUTHOR), Manek-Hönninger, Inka1 (AUTHOR) manon.lafargue@u-bordeaux.fr
Source: Materials (1996-1944). Jan2025, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p78. 14p.
Subject Terms: *FUSED silica, *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *FEMTOSECOND lasers, *LASER welding, *WELDING
5Academic Journal
Authors: Kerrigan, Haley1 (AUTHOR), Thome, Owen1 (AUTHOR), Richardson, Martin1 (AUTHOR) mcr@ucf.edu
Source: Journal of Applied Physics. 12/21/2024, Vol. 136 Issue 23, p1-8. 8p.
6Academic Journal
Authors: Bánhegyi, Balázs1,2 (AUTHOR) banhegyi.balazs@wigner.hun-ren.hu, Tóth, Lázár3 (AUTHOR), Dombi, Péter1,3 (AUTHOR), Budai, Judit3 (AUTHOR), Hanus, Václav1 (AUTHOR), Rácz, Péter1 (AUTHOR) racz.peter@wigner.hun-ren.hu, Pápa, Zsuzsanna1,3 (AUTHOR) papa.zsuzsanna@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Source: Plasmonics. Dec2024, Vol. 19 Issue 6, p2953-2960. 8p.
Subject Terms: *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *PHYSICAL sciences, *DEGREES of freedom, *PLASMONICS, *OPTICAL antennas
7Academic Journal
Authors: Badea, Liviu1,2 (AUTHOR) sanziana.anghel@inflpr.ro, Duta, Liviu3 (AUTHOR) cristi.mihailescu@inflpr.ro, Mihailescu, Cristian N.3 (AUTHOR) mihai.oane@inflpr.ro, Oane, Mihai3 (AUTHOR) alexandra.trefilov@inflpr.ro, Trefilov, Alexandra M. I.3 (AUTHOR) andrei.popescu@inflpr.ro, Popescu, Andrei3 (AUTHOR) hapenciuc.claudiu@inflpr.ro, Hapenciuc, Claudiu3 (AUTHOR) dorina.toader@inflpr.ro, Mahmood, Muhammad Arif4 (AUTHOR) mmahmood@mst.edu, Ticos, Dorina3 (AUTHOR) natalia.serban@inflpr.ro, Mihailescu, Natalia3 (AUTHOR) carmen.ristoscu@inflpr.ro, Ristoscu, Carmen3 (AUTHOR), Anghel, Sinziana A.1,3 (AUTHOR), Mihailescu, Ion N.3 (AUTHOR) liviu.duta@inflpr.ro
Source: Materials (1996-1944). Nov2024, Vol. 17 Issue 21, p5366. 13p.
Subject Terms: *DIELECTRIC materials, *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *ELECTRON density, *LASER pulses, *LASER ranging, *ULTRASHORT laser pulses
8Academic Journal
Authors: Filatov, Ia. A.1 (AUTHOR) yaroslav.filatov@mail.ioffe.ru, Gerevenkov, P. I.1 (AUTHOR), Khokhlov, N. E.1 (AUTHOR), Kalashnikova, A. M.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Applied Physics. 8/14/2024, Vol. 136 Issue 6, p1-11. 11p.
Subject Terms: *FARADAY effect, *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *MAGNETIC anisotropy, *GROUP velocity, *WAVE packets, *SPIN waves
9Academic Journal
Authors: Gherman, A. M. M.1 (AUTHOR), Tóth, I.1 (AUTHOR) istvan.toth@itim-cj.ro, Ciriolo, A. G.2 (AUTHOR), Martínez Vázquez, R.2 (AUTHOR), Nistico, A.3 (AUTHOR), Stagira, S.3 (AUTHOR), Toşa, V.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Applied Physics. 7/28/2024, Vol. 136 Issue 4, p1-9. 9p.
Subject Terms: *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *NUMERICAL calculations, *WAVEGUIDES, *DIAMETER, *ATOMS
10Academic Journal
Authors: Danilov, E. A.1 (AUTHOR), Uryupin, S. A.1 (AUTHOR) uryupinsa@lebedev.ru
Source: Journal of Applied Physics. 7/7/2024, Vol. 136 Issue 1, p1-8. 8p.
Subject Terms: *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *THIN films, *HEAT pulses, *TEMPERATURE distribution, *ACOUSTIC field, *PHYSIOLOGICAL effects of heat
11Academic Journal
Authors: Kaneshima, Keisuke1 (AUTHOR) knsm@sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp, Kyoda, Takumi1 (AUTHOR), Sugeta, Shuta1 (AUTHOR), Tanaka, Yoshihito1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. Jul2024, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p821-828. 8p.
Subject Terms: *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *MODE-locked lasers, *X-ray lasers, *SYNCHROTRONS, *TIME-resolved spectroscopy, *LASER pulses, *FEMTOSECOND lasers
12Academic Journal
Authors: Lorusso, Antonella1 (AUTHOR) antonella.lorusso@unisalento.it, Égerházi, László2 (AUTHOR) egerhazi.laszlo@med.u-szeged.hu, Szatmári, Sándor3 (AUTHOR) szatmaris@titan.physx.u-szeged.hu, Szörényi, Tamás4 (AUTHOR) t.szorenyi@physx.u-szeged.hu
Source: Materials (1996-1944). Jun2024, Vol. 17 Issue 11, p2712. 19p.
Subject Terms: *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *LASER deposition, *PULSED laser deposition, *FEMTOSECOND lasers, *COPPER films, *SUBSTRATES (Materials science), *EXCIMER lasers, *PULSED lasers
13Academic Journal
Authors: Gaudfrin, Kévin1,2,3 (AUTHOR) kevin.gaudfrin@cea.fr, Lopez, John1 (AUTHOR), Gemini, Laura2 (AUTHOR), Hönninger, Clemens4 (AUTHOR), Duchateau, Guillaume3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Applied Physics. 5/28/2024, Vol. 135 Issue 20, p1-18. 18p.
Subject Terms: *FUSED silica, *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *LASER beams, *LASER pulses, *PROCESS capability, *LASER deposition
14Academic Journal
Authors: Ansari, A.1,2 (AUTHOR) ajmal@rrcat.gov.in, Kumar, M.2 (AUTHOR), Singhal, H.1,2 (AUTHOR), Chakera, J. A.1,2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Applied Physics. 4/14/2024, Vol. 135 Issue 14, p1-13. 13p.
Subject Terms: *ULTRASHORT laser pulses, *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *ATTOSECOND pulses, *LASER pulses, *GAS lasers, *LASER beams, *ULTRA-short pulsed lasers
15Academic Journal
Authors: Jagadale, Vishal S.1 (AUTHOR), Deshmukh, Devendra1 (AUTHOR), Hanstorp, Dag2 (AUTHOR) dag.hanstorp@physics.gu.se, Mishra, Yogeshwar Nath1,2,3,4 (AUTHOR) mishra@caltech.edu
Source: Scientific Reports. 4/9/2024, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p1-17. 17p.
Subject Terms: *FEMTOSECOND pulses, *BUBBLE dynamics, *LASER pulses, *ATOMIZATION, *DISSOLVED air flotation (Water purification), *FEMTOSECOND lasers
16Academic Journal
Authors: Sakakibara, Noritaka, Ito, Tsuyohito, Hakuta, Yukiya, Shimizu, Yoshiki, Terashima, Kazuo, Miura, Eisuke
Source: Journal of Chemical Physics; 2/28/2025, Vol. 162 Issue 8, p1-10, 10p
Subject Terms: SOLVATED electrons, LASER plasmas, PLASMA production, ELECTRON density, ELECTRONIC modulation, FEMTOSECOND pulses
17Academic Journal
Authors: Irvine, Sara J.1,2,3, Katagiri, Kento2,3,4, Ræder, Trygve M.5, Boesenberg, Ulrike6, Chalise, Darshan2,3,4, Stanton, Jade I.1,2,3, Pal, Dayeeta2,3,4, Hallmann, Jörg6, Ansaldi, Gabriele6, Brauße, Felix6, Eggert, Jon H.7, Fang, Lichao2,3,4, Folsom, Eric7, Haubro, Morten5, Holstad, Theodor S.5, Madsen, Anders6, Möller, Johannes6, Nielsen, Martin M.5, Poulsen, Henning F.5, Pudell, Jan-Etienne6
Source: Journal of Applied Physics; 2/7/2025, Vol. 137 Issue 5, p1-10, 10p
18Academic Journal
Source: Journal of Chemical Physics; 1/14/2025, Vol. 162 Issue 2, p1-4, 4p
Subject Terms: OPTICAL parametric amplifiers, TUNABLE lasers, PHOTOELECTRON spectra, LIGHT sources, LASER pulses, FEMTOSECOND pulses
19Academic Journal
Authors: Šlevas, Paulius1, justinas.minkevicius@ftmc.ltpaulius.slevas@ftmc.lt, Minkevičius, Justinas1, orestas.ulcinas@ftmc.lt, Ulčinas, Orestas1, sergejus.orlovas@ftmc.lt, Orlov, Sergej1, Vanagas, Egidijus1, paulius.slevas@ftmc.lt, Bilousova, Anna2, a.bilousova@kpi.ua, Baklan, Denys2, d.baklan@kpi.ua, Myronyuk, Oleksiy2, o.myronyuk@kpi.ua
Source: Coatings (2079-6412); Jan2025, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p104, 10p
Authors: WHEELER, OLIVIA1 owheeler@edmundoptics.com
Source: Laser Focus World. Sep2024, Vol. 60 Issue 7, p47-49. 3p.
Subject Terms: Laser damage, Femtosecond pulses